Chapter 19

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Camila's POV

A/N - You guys might think it's boring, but wait till the end...

"Do you think she's going to like what I bought her?" Alison, my next door neighbor, asked worriedly.

"Of course she will, you guys have been friends since what? Sixth grade?" I try and assure the blonde. She nods slowly, still nervous about the gift she bought for her best friend.

"Why are you so worried about this all of a sudden?" I question as we walk through the school's hallway.

"I don't know, it's just..."

"It's just what?"

"Can I tell you later? I don't feel comfortable enough to talk about it here where people can overhear." The blue eyed girl whispered, putting the gift inside her locker.

"Alright, if you want you can meet me here after school and we can go somewhere and talk." I suggest as we continue walking to class. She nodded her head and entered the classroom.

- - -

"... and that's how Normani ended up cracking her head open." I laughed aloud, turning to the beautiful woman in front of me. I noticed she was fully spaced out, staring at the wall behind me.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I say as I lay my hand on top of hers.

"Huh?" She turns her head and stares at me with raised eyebrows.

"You totally zoned out on me."

"No, I heard everything. You were telling me about the day Dinah got in trouble for forgetting her little sister at the store." The green eyed girl smiled, very certain about her answer.

"Yeah, I told you that fifteen minutes ago. Baby, what's going on? You've been so distant since I got here."

The green eyed girl took a deep breath before responding. "Nothing's wrong, I'm just a little tired from grading essays and all those projects for class."

"Are you sure it's just that?"

"Yes of course it is." She nodded, grabbing my hand and bringing it up to her lips to kiss it.

After a couple minutes of silence I spoke up, "Hey, I'm not gonna be able to stay today after school."

"Why not?"

"I'm going somewhere with Alison, she's going through something right now and I want to be there for her."

"During class I heard Ally tell Dinah and Normani that she was going out of town today with her uncle. Look, you don't have to lie if you don't want to stay with me after school." She crossed her arms, almost childlike.

"No! I'm not talking about Ally. I'm talking about Ali. Alison Dilaurentis. I can't believe you would think I'd lie to you." I state, fully offended by such an insinuation.

"Oh..." Was all she let out.

Silence once again.

"Wait, why did you leave the party so early?"

"What party?"

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. I saw you leave the party and get into a car with another person. Where and with who did you go with?" The taller girl got up and intensely looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

Honestly, I was taken aback. This sudden interrogation wasn't her. I don't know what got into her, did she think I was cheating? How would she even know that I left the party?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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