Chapter 6

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Lauren's POV

"I hope you guys are finished with your projects since they're due today." All the students groan.

"Uh Ms. Jauregui. None of us are finished with it. You should give us another day." Jacob says biting his lip.

"Umm, I'm finished with it." I hear a small voice from the back of the classroom. I instantly smile noticing it was Camila.

"Who the fuck cares. Did somebody ask you if you were finished. I don't think so. So you better shut the fuck up. Damn, that's why nobody wanna go out with your ugly ass." Jacob snaps at Camila.

The whole class 'Oooohs' and Camila stays silent with a shocked face and looks like she's about to cry.

"Who you think you talking to like that?" Dinah speaks up. "Oh shut up Bitch. Stop defending her. You now it's true." Jacob spits out at Dinah.
I was incredibly pissed off at this guy.

"Umm excuse me? I am not going to let anyone talk to Camila like that. Who the hell do you think you are? I swear if I wasn't your teacher I would've beat your ass up at this instant." I raise my voice at Jacob.

By this time I notice Camila shedding tears and running out of the classroom. I try stopping her by calling her name but she just runs out the door.

"You're in charge Laurel." I instruct Rihanna or Laurel, whatever, same person different name.

I run out the door and catch Camila by grabbing her wrist and stopping her. "Where are you going?" I tell the crying girl, removing strands of hair sticking on her face due to her tears.

"I don't know. I don't want to be in there." Her voice cracks and releases a couple tears. I pull her into a hug and hold her in my arms.

This was one of the best feelings in the world. Her embrace was one of the things I would love to feel forever.
We separate from our hug and I look into her eyes holding both of her hands.

"Don't listen to anything that he says. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Don't you dare believe anything that he says. If I wasn't a teacher I would've already beat the shit out of him." I tell the girl with full sincerity.

She doesn't say anything but she smiles. "C'mon lets head back to the classroom." I smile and wrap my arm around her waist leading her to the classroom.

We walked in with my arm still wrapped around her waist. Everyone was staring as soon as we walked in.
I didn't care what anyone thought at this moment. All I wanted was for Camila to feel safe and happy. I let go of her as she went back to her desk.

"Jacob I'm not going to tolerate you insulting Camila like how you did right now. So you better get the hell out of my classroom. Oh and You have a zero on your assignment." I raise my voice at him.

He walks out of the door with out a word. I look at Camila and smile at her. She gives me back a small smile.

"Alright, sorry about that. But anyways, I'm going to give you guys one more day to finish your projects. You guys have the rest of the period to work on it." I explain sitting on my chair.

For the rest of the period, everyone was working on their projects. I looked at Camila a couple times to see how she was doing. She still looked a little upset but was more calm than before.

The bell rung and students rushed out the class. When Camila was about to exit the door, I pull her back. She seems startled at first but then relaxes. "I uh, wanted to tell you that if you need help with any other assignments from other classes, you can always come here after school and I'll gladly help you."

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