Chapter 4

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Camila's POV

I woke up, and got ready for school. After I was finished, I got inside Dinah's car.
As Dinah began driving, she looked at me various times. "Why are you so quiet? You haven't really spoken since yesterday." Dinah said in worried tone.

"I don't know. I'm just tired, you know from yesterday." I lied as an excuse. In reality I didn't speak much because that beautiful green eyed angel kept appearing in my mind.

"You didn't even do anything yesterday to be tired." Dinah said chuckling.

"You know, yesterday was the most intense game I have ever played in basketball. Believe it or not, I'm sore as hell because I've never put so much effort in a sport, which by the way we won. Plus you were just standing around talking to Laurel the whole game." I tried convincing her.

"The only reason we won was because Ms. Jauregui was playing. Or else we would've lost." She said raising an eyebrow. "True." I sighed smiling.

"Girl! I did not expect our teacher, apart from being HOT, to have such a perfect body!" Dinah said exaggeratedly.

"Yeah me either." I said licking my lips while remembering what happened yesterday at the locker room. I still couldn't believe she was so close to me. We were just inches away from each other. I smiled even more at that thought.

We arrived to school and went to Normani's locker. "Hey guys." I told the girls who were already here, including Laurel. "Hey." They all said simultaneously.

We began talking about how Normani broke up with her boyfriend last night. She seemed pretty upset, considering they lasted a very long time together.

Eventually, the bell rung and we headed to Ms. Jauregui's class. The only class, aside from Gym Class, I actually enjoy going to. As i walk inside the class, I immediately lay my eyes on Ms. Jauregui. She looked at me and smiled.

I think I'm about to pass out. How can someone be so beautiful. Her smile made me blush. I made my way back to my seat before she saw me blushing.

"Damn girl, is it really that hot in here?" Dinah said as she saw how red I was. "Yeah, it kinda is." I respond as an excuse for my red face.

Dinah didn't pay much importance since a girl sitting a couple rows from us called her. I saw as Ms. Jauregui began taking roll, this time with out calling names aloud. I noticed her giving me another small smile when she looked up from her clip board. I felt butterflies forming in my stomach but I still managed to return a smile.

After 15 minutes of doing nothing, I watched as she began counting the number of students in the class.

When she was done, she instructed, "Okay, you guys will have a group project. After you guys have read the story I passed out yesterday, you guys will have to create a presentation on a character you guys feel is the one that has qualities of a good person. For now, you guys can just continue reading your books with the group you choose. Alright, get in groups of five."

Normani immediately turned to Dinah, Ally, and I. We went to the 3 empty desks next to Normani and Laurel.

"Yay! We're finally doing something fun together in this class, all thanks to Ms. Jauregui ." Ally shrieks. "Yeah, I don't even complain about coming to this class anymore." Normani said agreeing with Ally.

"So who has gotten through half of the book?" I asked. "I haven't even started reading it yet." Dinah responded laughing. "Me either." Normani and Laurel laughed out. "I only read like the first few chapters." Ally said smiling.

"Let me guess, you're almost done with the book?" Dinah asks me raising an eyebrow.

"No I still have a few more chapters but I'm way ahead of you guys." I reply shaking my head due to my friend's lack of reading. "Fucking nerd." Dinah mumbles, believing I didn't hear her.

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