5- Declaration of War

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Zeke, Reiner, Gabi and Colt gather in front of the stage as Zeke has a cigarette when Udo, Sofia, Pieck and Galliard walk over.

"Oh, did you guys have fun?" Zeke asks as he looks at the two of them.

"Huh, where's Falco?" Colt asks as he looks at the two of them.

"He said he saw someone he knew and ran off" Udo says as he looks at Colt.

"Really? What's the matter with him?" Colt wonders as Galliard walks up to him.

"Can't you just loosen up for one day?" Galliard asks as he puts his arm around Colt.

"So many people" Sofia says as she looks around.

"Huh? Looks like he's back" Pieck says as she spots Falco.

"Mr Braun!" Falco says as he runs up to Reiner.

"Where the hell did you go?" Gabi asks as she looks at Falco.

"Can you come with me?" Falco asks as he looks at Reiner.

"Right now?" Reiner asks, concerned about the timing of this and the show.

"You'll be fine. It shouldn't start for a bit" Zeke says as he checks his watch.

"Come on. This way!" Falco says as he runs off.

"What's this all about?" Reiner asks as he follows Falco.

"You'll see soon enough" Falco says with a small smile as he points in the direction of the way they need to go.

Falco runs behind the stage and goes down some stairs as Reiner follows him.

"In here!" Falco says as he stands in front of a door.

"Okay" Reiner says as Falco opens the door.

"I brought him!" Falco says as he walks into the room.

"Hey. It's been four years, Reiner" Eren says as he looks at Reiner.

"Eren!" Reiner says as he walks into the room, looking at Eren.

"Um, huh? Aren't the two of you supposed to be old friends? And where's Mrs Smith?" Falco asks as he looks at Eren, "isn't that right, Mr Kruger?".

"I'm right here, Falco" Evelyn says as she walks out from the dark corner, "we have a lot to catch up on, Reiner. I don't even know where to start".

"Captain Evelyn" Reiner says in shock, "impossible. You two!".

--- backstage ---

"Lord Tybur. It's almost time" one of his guards says as he walks over.

"Right" Willy says as he looks down.

"My goodness!" the woman from Hizuru says as she stands at the entrance to the tents.

"Well, well! Come to give me a pep talk, Madam Azumabito?" Willy asks as he looks over at the woman.

"I hope I'm not a bother. I just came to see your face" Madam Azumabito says as Willy makes his way over to her.

"Given my stage fright, I'm sure I look hideous" Willy says with a shy smile.

"No, you look courageous. My whole clan knows how great you are" Madam Azumabito says as she looks at Willy, "I wish you the best of luck".

"I appreciate it, Lady Kiyomi" Willy says as he shakes Kiyomi's hand.

--- underground ---

"Sit down, Reiner" Eren says as Evelyn drags a wooden chair over for him, "we've got good seats, right? We can hear everything that's happening on stage. The building above us is all housing. It's behind the stage, but it's full of people waiting for the curtains to rise. Directly above us".

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