12- Guides

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Armin stands in front of Annie's crystallisation as he reaches his hand out.

"Hey! You're not allowed to touch the girl, sir!" Hitch says from behind Armin.

"It's not what you think, Hitch. I-" Armin says as he starts to blush, "titan memories have been know to transfer by touch! I thought I might learn something important! I wasn't doing anything inappropriate really!".

"You're a guy, after all. I bet you want to learn all about Annie" Hitch says as she walks over to him.

"I'm sorry, okay? Don't ban me from coming back!" Armin begs worriedly.

"I wasn't planning to. Annie would get bored listening only to me" Hitch says as she looks at him, "unbelievable. You're so popular, and all you do is sleep".

Hitch and Armin leave Annie as they make it to the courtyard.

"It's great that you've got a crush on her, but have you heard the news?" Hitch asks as she passes a piece of paper to Armin, "read this".

"'Military Clings to Power by Wrongfully Detaining Eren Jaeger'" Armin reads from the paper, "'Distrust in the Military Soars Higher'".

"Because they're not giving the public any answers" Hitch says as she looks at Armin.

"Well, they can't just disclose Zeke and the rumbling" Armin says as he continues to read the newspaper.

They make it to the front gate where they see members of the public petitioning for Eren's release.

"This is..." Armin says in shock.

"There are citizens surrounding the entire HQ" Hitch says as she looks at the hoard of people.

"Hey, Hitch! Lend us a hand!" a member of the Military Police yells as he runs by Armin and Hitch.

"Ugh! More work for me!" Hitch says as she slumps her shoulders.

"Armin!" Mikasa yells as she runs over.

"Mikasa! You managed to make it here, huh?" Armin asks as he watches her.

"Yeah. We can't let this time go to waste. Let's go" Mikasa says as she stands in front of Armin.

They walk into the building when they spot a group of three Scout members standing outside.

"Scout Recruits? What are they doing at HQ?" Mikasa asks as she looks at the three of them.

Meanwhile, somewhere within Wall Rose, Yelena meets with Commander Pixis once again.

"That day I did meet with Eren" Yelena says as she looks up at the sky, "I'm sorry for keeping quiet about it. That's reason enough to detain the volunteers".

"How kind of you to admit" Commander Pixis says as he looks at Yelena.

"The way I saw it, you guys didn't know the world" Yelena says as she looks down, "if you kept arguing and putting it off, it would be too late. Eren felt the same sense of urgency, too".

"So you convinced Eren to infiltrate Marley alone to get our military moving?" Commander Pixis questions.

"Not quite. I said someone needed to light a fire under the administration" Yelena says as she closes her eyes.

"That's all you said?" Commander Pixis asks as he looks at her, "you risked a secret meeting without discussing any concrete plans?".

"That's right" Yelena says as she glances over at Commander Pixis, "given our position, we weren't allowed to meet with him in public".

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