18- Sneak Attack

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"Can we leave now?" Mr Blause asks as he looks at Niccolo.

"Sorry. Just hold on a bit longer" Niccolo says as he looks at Mr Blause.

"I've been saying Eren was dangerous since we were cadets" Jean says as he looks down, "that he's a shithead that would lead us to hell. Still, I always envied that asshole for being so cool. And it pisses me off just to say it, but I don't want him to die just yet".

"Yeah. If he dies like this, I can't slug him in the face" Conny says angrily.

"Let's go!" Evelyn says as they all run up the stairs.

"Stay close to me!" Niccolo says as he looks back at the Blause farm.

"If Eren's hiding his intentions, why did he push us away?" Mikasa asks confused, "why would Eren say that he hates me?".

"Well..." Armin says as he looks down, "anyway, Eren and I have known about your headaches for a long time. He probably said that to make it believable. He had to come up with a lie. Once this is all over, we can ask him".

--- back outside ---

Eren continues to scream as he creates a large field of spikes, pushing Reiner off of him.

Why struggle? What are you fighting for? What for?

Reiner asks as he looks at Eren. Galliard uses the houses to jump towards Eren. He screams, arms spread out wipe in order to scratch Eren but Eren grabs his face and throws him to the side as Galliard crashes onto the buildings nearby.

Shit. I took a heavy hit.

Galliard says as he lands near some soldiers, much to their shock. Reiner jumps on Eren's back and grabs his shoulders as he tackles him to the ground.

Eren, I just want this to end. Why did I ever think we were the same? Enough already! Just... go to sleep!

Reiner says as he goes to bite Eren's nape. Something sparks inside of Eren's head as he grabs Reiner's jaw and pushes it closed. Reiner and Eren scream as Eren tears Reiner's mouth open, throwing him over him as he lands on the ground. There are footsteps nearby as everyone looks in the direction.

"There he is" Commander Magath says as he comes over, "the wonder boy".

Everyone looks up at the wall and sees Zeke stood on top of it.

"I'm a little late, but I made it to where we promised to meet" Zeke says as he looks down at Eren, "good job hanging in there, Eren. Leave the rest to your big brother".

Zeke crushes a boulder in his hand as he throws it at one of the airships. The airship explodes as it starts to fall, hitting another airship as that one explodes as well.

"Damn it, Zeke!" Commander Magath says as he punches his leg, "line me up! I'll blast his nape!".

"Roger" Pieck says as she starts to adjust herself.

"Hurry up, Pieck!" Commander Magath orders as Zeke picks up a boulder and crushes it.

Zeke throws the crushed boulders at Pieck and Commander Magath as Pieck jumps off the side of the wall in order to avoid Zeke's attack.

"Duking it out wasn't wise" Pieck says as she holds onto the wide of the wall.

"I'll punish that traitor myself!" Commander Magath says annoyed.

"But..." Pieck tries to bargain.

"Flank the Cart!" Floch orders as he and some soldiers come around the side of the wall towards Pieck.

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