21- From You, 2000 Years Ago

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"We still haven't seen the part where I eat him" Eren says as he looks down at Evelyn.

"Did you... push Father into fighting the King of the Walls... and the world?" Zeke asks in disbelief, "if the Attack titan really has the power to transcend time, you could show him just the memories which suited you to alter the past. Father... Grisha hesitated to carry out his Restorationist mission. He knew he couldn't use the Founding titan's power, even if he stole it. Except he did steal it-- and entrusted it to you. Because of what he'd seen in the future. Something in the future-- something you showed him".

"I'm grateful, Brother" Eren says as he looks at Zeke, "this was only possible because you had originally brought me into Father's memories, which soon turned into Evelyn's memories".

"He said things wouldn't go my way. Things would only go the way you want" Zeke says as he looks at Eren.

"Yeah. I saw it four years ago: I saw my own future through Dad's memories. I also saw who would be the one to take down" Eren says as he glances at Evelyn, "what a sight it was".

"Founder Ymir! Make Eldians unable to reproduce anymore!" Zeke yells.

"The Coordinate!" Eren says as he turns and spots Ymir walking towards the Coordinate.

"Grisha told me, 'please stop Eren'" Zeke says calmly, "he regretted listening to you. I don't know what sort of future you saw through Father's memories, but you didn't see everything, right? For example, you didn't know you couldn't use the Founder's powers here, did you? You're as powerless as ever".

Eren screams as he starts to fight against his restraints, his wrists bleeding badly. He finally breaks free from his restraints as he degloves his hands, falling to the ground. He gets up as he starts to run towards Ymir.

"It's no use, Eren" Zeke says as Evelyn stands up, walking towards Eren and Ymir, "once Ymir has begun to move... no one in this world can stop her".

Eren jumps as he reaches out towards Ymir.

--- 2000 years ago ---

Ymir walks through her town as she goes about doing her daily tasks. She goes to the well and collects water, looks after the children in the village, something she'd do everyday. She sits by the tree she always does, when she sees spears coming over the top of the hill. She stands up and looks as she sees a group of soldiers coming towards her on their horses. Within what felt like minutes, her village was burnt and everyone was enslaved.

The world is full of pain and suffering... so you should live in a way... to be helpful and loved by everyone.

Ymir and her village make it to the place where they will be enslaved for the rest of their lives as they start to do tasks like carrying and collecting water. One day, one of the pigs she and her people are responsible for escapes from its pen.

"One of you let the pig escape" King Fritz says as he sits at the front of them all on his throne, "if nobody fesses up, each and everyone one of you will lose an eye. Slaves have no need for two".

Ymir stands there as everyone around her points directly at her without shame.

"You're the one who let it escape?" King Fritz questions as he looks at Ymir.

Ymir looks around at everyone as she kneels down in front of the King. Ymir lowers her head as she bows to the King.

"Very well. You are 'free'" King Fritz says calmly.

Ymir starts to run away as she makes it to the forest. The soldiers go after her as they shoot their arrows at her, one in her back, one in her leg as she falls to the ground and rolls down a hill. Ymir makes it to the bottom of the hill as she stops in front of a large tree with an opening. She hears the horses from behind her as she makes the decision to hide in there away from the soldiers. She walks inside but she slips on some wet moss as she falls even deeper into the tree, much deeper than what it looks from the outside. She lands in a pool of water as she starts to sink deeper and deeper. Suddenly, a white glowing spine like creature starts to swim towards her. It connects to her back as there is an explosion. The soldiers look over as the tree collapses and in its place, Ymir grows as a titan. After her transformation, she soon turns back human and the soldiers take her back to King Fritz.

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