13- Children of the Forest

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"It's called a 'gas weapon'" Zeke explains to Evelyn as she sits across from him, "the gas contains some of my spinal fluid. Breathing just a slight amount makes Subjects of Ymir freeze up. They can't control their bodies and lose consciousness. On my command, I send the Power of the Titans to the coordinate via Paths. That's why the people of that village obeyed my orders".

"It's not 'that village'. It's Ragako" Evelyn says angrily, "don't forget the name of the village you slaughtered, you bearded piece of shit".

"Well I didn't want to do it" Zeke says as he looks at Evelyn, "but if I hadn't, and they found out I was sided with Eldia, I couldn't have brought hope to this island. You know, I told you all of this when I landed on the island. Why do you keep asking?".

"You don't have a shred of guilt in you and it shows" Evelyn says as she glares at Zeke, "you have the same look on your face as the day you betrayed me. You may or may not want to save Eldia but those lives meant nothing to you, and neither did I apparently. But now you want to rebuild the sibling relationship we lost? Move on".

"Evelyn, what I did back then was right? You know that!" Zeke says as he looks at her.

"It was right? You've got to be kidding me! I was injected with titan fluid and nearly turned into one. If Eren Kruger hadn't of saved my ass, I'd be a pure titan" Evelyn yells as she stands up, "you ruined my life Zeke. I stand by what I said that day, I hate you!".

"If you hate me then why are you here right now?" Zeke asks, "I know you were ordered to stay behind but you wanted to come to keep an eye on me. You don't hate me, Evelyn. Somewhere deep down inside of you, you still love me, your big brother!".

"Dream on, you bastard!" Evelyn yells as she walks over to Zeke, "you lost any amount of love from me the minute you pointed at me! All I ever wanted when I was little to live life normally with you, with Mother, with Father. I didn't want to be part of the Restorationists either, but I knew I wanted my freedom, so that's why I joined them. All I've ever wanted was to be free from humanity and to live how I wanted with my family. I wanted to do that with you Zeke, but you ruined it! And when Father and I made it to the walls and we started a new family, I thought I'd be able to move on from you when Eren was born but I couldn't. You were always in the back of my mind, my big brother! So why did you do it? Zeke, why? Answer me! Answer me, you bastard! I'll fucking kill you!".

"Evelyn" Zeke says as Evelyn starts to punch him as Zeke just takes it.

"Evelyn, stop!" Levi yells as he runs into the tent.

"I'll fucking kill you. You're a piece of shit and I hate you! I hate you so much so why do I love you? Why do I want to go back to normal?" Evelyn yells as Levi grabs her and holds her close.

"Come on. Let's go" Levi says as he pulls Evelyn out of the tent.

Levi and Evelyn make it to their tent as Levi zips it shut.

"Shh, calm down. It's okay" Levi says as he hugs Evelyn.

"Why do I feel the way I feel, Levi? He's our enemy. He killed Erwin. I should hate him" Evelyn says as she holds onto Levi.

"But he's your brother, and there is part of you that still loves him and that's okay. Evelyn, your feelings are valid" Levi says as he looks at Evelyn.

Evelyn looks at Levi for a moment before she holds onto his tie, pulling him towards her, her lips landing on his. The mix of the salt from her tears joins their kiss as their kiss become filled with want and need. Evelyn unbuttons Levi's jacket as she slips it off of him. Levi fiddles with the buckles on Evelyn's harness as the two's lips do not leave each other. Levi throws her harness to the ground as he turns her around. He starts to kiss her neck as he unbuttons her shirt, taking it off her body. Evelyn turns around again as Levi picks her up, placing her on one of the wooden crates. The two of them kiss some more as Evelyn starts to unbutton Levi's shirt. She pulls it from his torso as he watches her look at the scar she gave him when they first met in the underground. Evelyn leans in as she kisses along the large scar on his chest. Evelyn looks at Levi again as the two of them kiss more. Levi starts to touch her chest as she gasps as the sudden good feeling. Evelyn reaches back as she unhooks her bra, taking it off. Levi brings Evelyn down from the crate as he kneels down in front of her. He unbuttons her jeans and pulls them down her legs as she steps out of them. Levi kisses up her legs as he trails his hands up as well. Evelyn walks to the bed and lays down on it as Levi unbuckles his belt and pulls down his jeans as well. Levi gets on top of Evelyn as the two start to kiss. Levi pulls off Evelyn's pants as Evelyn does the same with Levi's.

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