8- Assassin's Bullet

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The two of them run at each other as Reiner goes to punch Eren but Eren moves his head out of the way, crystallising his hand as he punches Reiner's jaw, completely destroying it, Reiner falling to the ground. Evelyn flies over to the Jaw titan as she cuts Galliard out. Galliard looks at her as she flies him to the window where Falco and Gabi are.

"Falco, quickly, take him. Get him out of the way of the fight" Evelyn says as she lands on the side of the wall.

"Evelyn. Why are you helping us?" Falco asks as he takes Galliard from Evelyn, slowly pulling him through the window.

"Look. I don't want to kill people without reason. And so far, to me, this man was just in the wrong place as the wrong time, on the wrong side" Evelyn says as she flies back over to Eren and Reiner, "Eren!".

"I think the fight's over. We're out of strength" Eren says as he looks at Reiner on the ground as he dissipates from his titan, Evelyn standing on his titan's shoulder, "at this point, we can't exactly kill Reiner".

"In that case, let's go back home" Evelyn says as Eren stands up.

"See you later, Reiner" Eren says as Evelyn grabs him and the two fly off.

Everyone starts to return to the airship as Jean's team flies.

"Protect the airship from below! Use every last shot you've got!" Jean yells as he looks around at everyone.

"They're retreating. Does that mean we're safe?" Koslow asks as he looks out of the window with Falco and Gabi.

"They're running" Gabi says in shock.

"Gabi!" Koslow yells as Gabi slips from his grip, grabbing the gun on the floor as she runs down the stairs.

"Eren Jaeger!" Gabi yells as she runs out into the street after the airship.

"Gabi!" Falco yells as he runs after Gabi.

"You won't get away! I'm going to kill you!" Gabi yells angrily.

Evelyn connects her wires to the wood on the airship as she and Eren fly up. Eren grabs hold of the rope ladder on the side as he start to climb up. The door opens from above as Eren looks up and spots Armin standing there.

"Come on, Eren" Armin says as he kneels down and holds his hand out to Eren.

Without saying anything, Eren grabs hold of Armin's hand as Armin pulls him onto the ship. Eren then holds his hand out to Evelyn as she climbs onto the ship, Mikasa following closely behind.

"Damn, you're a filthy sight" Levi says as he walks over, "did you fall in a pile of shit?".

"Captain..." Eren says as he looks up at Levi.

Levi kicks Eren in the face, sending him flying to the other side of the airship as Armin and Evelyn hold Mikasa back.

"This brings back memories, Eren. You have such a kickable face" Levi says as he walks over to Eren, two soldiers running over, pointing their guns at Eren, "after you're all tied up, we'll have a chat".

"That's fine. But I explained everything in the letters. And Evelyn didn't do anything. She only came to make sure I was safe and okay" Eren says as he looks down, "did you not understand the letters?".

"That face. It reminds me of the rotten shits who used to live in the underground" Levi says as he frowns, "and I know about Evelyn. She told me everything before she left to find you and through her letters as well. Now cheer up. Everything happened like you wanted".

"Everyone get inside. They've got nothing to take down an airship" Jean yells as he looks around at everyone.

"Jean, you guys get inside. I'll hold down the fort out here" Lobov says as he flies over to Jean.

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