22- Thaw

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--- at the southern end of Shiganshina ---

"Falco! Falco! Where are you? Where did you go?" Gabi shouts as she looks around.

"The first titan transformation knocks you out and impacts your memories" Reiner says from behind Gabi as Evelyn and Colt help him walk, "he was taken".

"By who? Why?" Gabi asks as she looks back at Reiner.

"Probably Conny and Jean" Reiner says as he looks down, "they wouldn't overlook a life as valuable as Falco's. Being one of the nine titans, he's too important to--" he says as he falls to his knees.

"Reiner! Did you use all your power?" Gabi asks as she runs over.

"Yeah. My armour came undone somehow and a piece of wall hit me real good" Reiner says as Evelyn spots how badly he's bleeding, "I couldn't stop it. Eren... will destroy the world".

"Reiner. Look, I'll explain it when we're all back with Levi and Hange but for now--" Evelyn says as she digs into the bag on her belt and pulls out a syringe, "take some of my blood. It's too much to explain now but my royal blood has healing properties which helps speed up the healing of the nine titans" she says as she takes some of her blood from her arm.

Reiner rolls up his sleeve as he holds out his arm to her. She presses the needle into his vein as she injects her blood into him. Within an instant, Reiner starts to heal much quicker.

"And for stopping Eren, I can help with that as well. But we're going to need back up and lots of it" Evelyn says as Reiner nods.

"In the south, there are escape airships" Reiner says as the four of them make it into a house which is still standing, "Gabi, get on the airship and escape. This is no place for you. We'll find Pieck and stop Eren. You have to hurry and tell Marley... no, the world".

"What will telling them do? Where is there to run?" Evelyn asks as she looks at Reiner.

"For once, I agree with Evelyn. There's no use" Gabi says as she looks at Reiner as well.

"They're right" Colt agrees.

"My Mom, Dad, Aunt Karina... won't everyone die?" Gabi asks as she closes the door to the house.

"Yes" Reiner says as he looks down.

"We've got to kill Eren and stop him!" Gabi says desperately.

"We can't" Reiner says hopelessly, "the Founding titan can make all Subjects of Ymir and titans obey its will. No one can stop him now. We can't do anything but run".

"You have zero faith in me, do you, Reiner?" Evelyn asks with a small chuckle.

"You've tried to kill me multiple times" Reiner says as he looks at her.

"You did it first" Evelyn retorts.

"You two" Colt says as he reprimands the two of them.

"Reiner..." Gabi says softly as she ties her hair up, "like hell I'm giving up! I'm coming for you, Falco!".

"I've always liked you, Gabi" Evelyn says as she looks at Gabi.

"You're not that bad yourself" Gabi says shyly, "okay, are we doing this or not?".

"Sure we are. Reiner, Colt, you stay here and rest. We'll come back for you once we've found Falco" Evelyn says as she looks at Colt and Reiner.

"Evelyn..." Reiner says as he looks at Evelyn, "take care of her for me".

"Roger that!" Evelyn says as she and Gabi leave.

--- the northern end of Shiganshina ---

"It's over" Jean says as he comes over with Falco, "I never thought he'd slaughter everyone outside the walls. Once they die off, so will all the hate. Everyone who threatened our existence will be flattened, leaving nothing but empty plains. What the world feared more than anything had happened. All because they labelled us devils and tried to slaughter us. In other words, this is something they brought upon themselves. There was nothing we could do, right?".

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