16- Above and Below

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Evelyn wakes up to the feeling of raindrops on her skin as she opens her eyes. She looks up at the sky as she sits up. She looks around and remembers what happened.

"Levi" Evelyn says softly, "Levi! Oh my god, Levi. Where are you?" Evelyn yells as she starts to panic, "Levi!".

Evelyn looks to her left and sees someone laid down in the tall grass. She runs over and Levi is laid there, a large injury on his face, some of his fingers missing.

"Levi" Evelyn says as she kneels down.

"Evelyn" Levi manages to make out.

"Levi?" Evelyn asks as she leans in.

"Run away" Levi says as he looks at her.

"No, I'm not going!" Evelyn says as she shakes her head.

"The bastards after Zeke will be coming here soon. You need to run. We can't let Zeke finish his plan" Levi says as he pushes Evelyn.

"If you die, I'll kill you" Evelyn says as she wipes her tears.

"I promise you" Levi says as Evelyn stand off as she runs off.

Evelyn doesn't look back as she starts to whistle for Kanmori who soon comes. Zeke lays on the ground as he looks up at the sky, one of Levi and Evelyn's comrades as a titan, coming over to him. Zeke watches the titan as it tears open its stomach and places Zeke inside of it.

--- in Shiganshina district ---

"'We'll dine at the same table again soon'" Yelena says as she quotes herself, "hasn't it happened just as I said, Commander Pixis? I appreciate your swift response. You gathered all soldiers in Shiganshina and forbade opposition like we asked".

"Given the spinal fluid, we didn't have much choice" Commander Pixis says as he looks down, "only Shiganshina was evacuated, and we could become titans at any moment. In any case, what else could I do with comrades pointing guns at my back? It seems switching sides sooner came with advantages. That white armband you wear so proudly is proof your a Jaegerist, no?" he asks as he looks at a soldier with a white cloth wrapped around his arm, "red must be for those who learnt they drank tainted wine and were forced to comply. The rest of us fools who drank the wine without knowing a thing are identified with black. Sounds like how Marley does things. Didn't they do something similar when they took over your homelands?".

"We can learn a lot from our enemies" Yelena says as she looks down.

"Such as how to make more of them" Commander Pixis says as he looks at Yelena.

"Was it not your people who refused to side with us?" Yelena asks as she looks at Commander Pixis.

"That said, considering we failed to trust guests who served us tainted wine, does that make us foolish or wise?" Commander Pixis wonders as he looks away.

"You were both foolish and wise" Yelena says as she drinks her wine, "if you had trusted Zeke and us from the start, the world might be saved by now".

"'The world might be saved by now?'" Commander Pixis questions, "I was under the impression that your plan was to reunite Zeke with Evelyn and Eren for a small scale rumbling to keep other nations at bay for the next fifty years. Won't only the island be saved?".

"It's too late. Zeke gave you plenty of time" Yelena says as she looks at Commander Pixis, "and you answered his mercy by planning to kill him. Zeke is the God who will save the world and you've earned his wrath".

--- in the underground cells ---

"So? All we can do is sit here while it all plays out?" Conny questions as he leans against the bars off their cell.

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