15- Sole Salvation

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--- the year of 832 ---

"Take a good look Evelyn. You too Zeke. This is Liberio, where we live" Grisha says as he, Dina, Zeke and Evelyn look out upon Liberio, "compared to the world, it's like a tiny birdcage. Since we can't leave, we have to live here until we die. You two, wouldn't you like to leave?".

"Yeah, I would" Zeke says as he looks down.

"Me too, me too" Evelyn says excitedly.

"Oh, what's this? We hardly ever get visitors this early. I'll come back later" a cleaner says as he comes out on the rooftop.

"It's okay. We're on our way out" Grisha says as he looks at the man.

"Oh, Eldians?" the man says as he notices their armbands, throwing his bucket of water at them.

"What? We got permission to leave the walls!" Grisha says as he and Dina cover Zeke and Evelyn.

"It's my job to clean the tower and get rid of trash" the man says as he glares at the four of them, "you came in here and defiled it, you devils! Your kind slaughtered countless lives! Yet you're here, pumping out kids?".

The four of them leave the tower as they walk back to the internment zone, hearing all sorts of slurs being shouted at them.

"Remember this well, you two" Grisha says through gritted teeth, "this is the outside world. If you don't like it, you've got to change it! The two of you are going to save everyone!".

The next day, Zeke goes to warrior training whilst Evelyn is taught by the Restorationists about the importance of being free.

"How was training, Zeke?" Grisha asks as he, Dina and Evelyn go pick up Zeke from training.

"It's really tough" Zeke says as he holds Dina's hand

"I see. But I know you can be a warrior" Grisha says with a small smile.

"Because you have a special power" Dina says as she looks at Zeke.

"And most importantly, you're our son!" Grisha says as he looks at Zeke.

Due to an emergency meeting at the Restorationists, Grisha and Dina take Zeke and Evelyn to their grandparents' house.

"Father. Mother. Thank you for watching the two of them" Grisha says as Zeke and Evelyn stand in front of him.

"Yeah" Grisha's Father says as Zeke and Evelyn run straight by him.

"I baked your favourite pie today" Grisha's Mother says as she hugs the two of them.

"Yes!" Evelyn and Zeke say happily.

"Is it your social dance club again? They both miss you" Grisha's Father says as he looks at Grisha and Dina.

"But it's for the wellness of Liberio" Grisha says as he looks at his Father, "someday, I'm sure the two of them will understand why we're doing this".

After dinner, Grisha's Father starts to teach the two of them something.

"This is the Tragedy of Lago that occurred 1,200 years ago" Grisha's Father says as he shows the two of them a book, "after Lago was destroyed in a single day, the titans went on to cause the Horrors of Valle and Ravaging of Monte. Marleyans in the tens of thousands were killed by Eldia. What's more, the people who escaped Lago fled to the countryside. However, the Eldian Empire put titans along the path, and at daybreak, the titans rose and attacked the--".

"Yeah, we know. A lot of people died" Zeke says as he looks down.

"Is your Father teaching you our actual history?" Grisha's Father asks in shock.

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