30- The Battle of Heaven and Earth

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"Look!" a little girl says as she stands on the cliff edge with her family, as she spots something travelling through the clouds, "what is that?".

--- inside the plane ---

"Damn it! We're running out of fuel!" Onyankopon says as the engine started to falter, as they fly through the clouds, "I see him!".

"Get ready to jump!" Evelyn says as she looks at everyone.

"Onyankopon. You get over here too" Jean says as he looks at Onyankopon.

"Not yet! I'll keep going until we're over the Founder!" Onyankopon says as he looks back at them, "afterwards, I'll make an emergency landing! So make sure you land on the Founding titan! Got that?".

"Onyankopon!" Evelyn yells as something is thrown at the plane, forcing to Onyankopon to turn the plane swiftly, everyone toppling over.

"That bastard's down there!" Levi says as he looks out the window, spotting the Beast titan, "that damned Beast!".

"That saves us the trouble of finding him!" Evelyn says as Reiner helps her up, "target the Beast titan! Put all of your power into taking him out! Let's stop the rumbling by taking our Zeke and having me scream at the top of my lungs!".

"Now!" Onyankopon yells as he pulls up, just missing crashing onto Eren's back.

Armin throws open the door as everyone jumps out. Everyone flies in towards Zeke as Reiner and Evelyn go ahead. The two of them bite their hands as they turn into their titans. Reiner grabs Zeke and pulls him from his puppet like strings as they land on Eren's back, Evelyn going after the two of them. Pieck transforms from being Jean as she lands on Eren's back as she starts to climb around everywhere. Onyankopon manages to steer the plane to the mountain nearby where many Eldians are watching them.

"Eren!" Evelyn says as she lands just behind Eren's head, "I have a question to ask you, once we drag you out of there. 'In what way are you free?'".

--- 2000 years ago ---

Ymir stands in the farm land as she walks over to the pig sty where she sees the pigs sleeping soundly. She grips onto the bucket of water she just retrieved from the well as she thinks of what to do. Ymir walks past the gate to the sty, gliding her hand over the lock as she unlatches it, allowing the pigs to leave if they want to. One pig hears the creaking of the gate as it opens its eyes from its slumber, watching Ymir walk away, the gate to freedom in front of it. Ymir walks away, pleased with her actions as a smirk grows on her face.

--- present day ---

Ymir stands on one of Eren's many spines as she watches over the troops, wondering what their next move with be. Evelyn senses her presence over her shoulder as she turns around, the two of them making eye contact as neither of them falter.

Just watch me, Ymir.

Evelyn says confidently.

"I guess killing some empty husk isn't gonna do anything" Levi says as he looks at Reiner who holds down the skeleton of a titan he previously killed.

"As I feared, Zeke's using the same method as the War Hammer Titan to hide himself" Evelyn says as she turns back around to look at everyone.

"You mean we have to find one tiny body in this huge mass of bones?!" Jean asks as he looks at Evelyn, "there ain't no way! We gotta face up to reality! Commander Evelyn!".

"I know!" Evelyn yells frustrated, "in one minute, Armin, you've got to blast this place away. I can get rid of the Wall Titans, so just focus on destroying as much of Eren as you can!".

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