11- Deceiver

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Gabi screams as she rolls around in pain on the bed in her and Falco's shared cell.

"Gabi! Hey! Gabi, what's wrong?" Falco asks as he kneels down next to Gabi's bed, "hey! Settle down!".

"What's wrong? What happened?" a Garrison troop guarding the two of them asks as he runs down the stairs.

"She's in pain!" Falco says as the man unlocks their cell and runs inside.

"Hey! Are you okay, Missy?" the man asks as Falco moves out of the way.

Gabi yells as she throws her arm around, hitting the man with a brick she stuffed into her pillow case, knocking him to the ground. Gabi kneels on the edge of the bed as she repeatedly swings the brick, smashing his head in.

"Gabi! That's overkill!" Falco yells as he grabs Gabi.

Gabi grabs Falco's wrist as the two of them run out of their cell and manage to make it outside.

"How is running away going to help?" Falco asks as he looks at Gabi.

"We'll be killed if we stay!" Gabi says as she lets go of his wrist.

"That guy was worried about you!" Falco says, upset that they had to do that to the man.

"Can you trust those devils?" Gabi asks as she looks at Falco, "I can't even trust Zeke anymore! Or anyone else!".

Back in Marley, Reiner gasps as he wakes up. He looks around his room and he spots Galliard and Pieck sitting down next to his bed.

"Having nightmares or something?" Galliard asks as he looks at Reiner, "how I wish this was all a dream".

"I heard Gabi and Falco's voices. Where are those two?" Reiner asks as he looks at Galliard.

Gabi and Falco make it to a river as they both stop for a moment.

"We must have gone pretty far. We ran all through the night" Falco says as he looks around, "hey, take off your armband. You'll stand out".

"If any normal person sees this, they won't understand what it means" Gabi says as she splashes her face with water.

"But soldiers will know what it is. Take it off" Falco says as he looks at the sky.

"There's no soldiers out here in the sticks" Gabi says as she looks at her reflection in the water.

"Someone will see it eventually! Who knows if we'll make it back home?" Falco says as he looks at Gabi.

"I don't plan to. I just want to get answers from Zeke before I'm caught and killed" Gabi says calmly, "'did you really betray us and Marley?'. 'Why did you do it?'. You can do whatever you want. You don't have to follow me".

"Fine, then. I'll do whatever I want, starting with trashing this" Falco says as he rips Gabi's armband from her arm.

"Give it back!" Gabi yells as she grabs Falco by his collar, pushing him to the ground.

"What for? What's even the point of wearing it here?" Falco asks as the two of them land.

"I'm a good Eldian! Without that, I'm the same as the island devils!" Gabi says as she looks down at him.

"What are you saying? You're acting crazy!" Falco shouts as he looks up at Gabi.

"Then, just leave me alone!" Gabi yells as she swipes her armband away from Falco's grip, "why... did you come with me? You didn't have to die, too!".

"What are you doing?" a girl asks from the edge of the forest, "it's so early in the morning. Where did the two of you come from?".

"I don't want to say. We hated our home so we ran away from it all" Gabi says as she looks at the girl, reaching her hand behind her back to grab a rock, "so, we can't go back".

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