6- The War Hammer Titan

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--- a few hours earlier ---

"Well, your Father needs to get going" Willy says as he faces his family, the younger children gathering around him, "be good kids and listen to your big sister".

"Where are you going?" one of them asks as he looks up at Willy.

"Don't leave!" another complains as he tugs on Willy's sleeve.

"Bring me something!" another one says as he smiles up at Willy.

"I want to go too!" the last one says as he waves his arm.

"Sorry, I'm afraid not this time" Willy says as he hugs them all tightly.

"Behave you guys. Don't be selfish! You're making it hard for him!" their older sister says as she tries to usher them away.

"Fine, make sure all the children get along" Willy says as he puts his hand on Fine's head.

"Yep! Good luck with your work!" Fine says as she smiles up at him.

"Thanks. I think it's time I head out" Willy says as he stands up.

"Take care!" Fine says as she waves at him.

"Darling" Willy's wife says as he walks over to her.

"I'm sorry. Take care of the kids" Willy says as he kisses her on the cheek.

"Let's go" Willy says as he walks past his maid and his guard.

Willy makes it downstairs into the street where Commander Magath waits with a carriage.

"I suppose if I'm attacked, it'll be during the speech?" Willy says as the carriage sets off.

"I can't say for sure, but that seems the most likely" Commander Magath says as he looks at Willy, "only then will most of our brass be gathered in one spot. However, it's protocol to make escape plans at the last moment for security. Naturally, VIPs will use carriages".

"Let's sit them at 'special seats' on the edge" Willy says as he looks out the window, "clump them together as much as possible".

"Are you sure about his?" Commander Magath asks, doubting Willy's plans.

"Compared to our predecessors, the Tybur's haven't been playing around" Willy says as he looks at Commander Magath, "we've been building relations with the world's elite, improving the reputation of Eldians, and watching Paradis Island's movements. But we should've been watching our own backyard. Before we knew it, we had enemies crossing the sea and at our necks. AT this point, they might get sliced at any moment. It's the conspirators working with Paradis who I fear the most. We still don't know who they are. As you know, our motherland Marley has many enemies. Some, in our own military. We'll smoke them out by lighting a fire under their asses. We can plan for their attack and use it to our advantage. Unless you have a better plan, we proceed as planned".

"Even if they take the bait, we lose way too much" Commander Magath says, wanting to change the plan.

"We'll sacrifice incompetent officers" Willy says as he looks out of the window again, "if the enemy's goal is to damage Marley's military, it works perfectly. When you rebuild the military, the party will approve whomever you choose".

"But so many will die" Commander Magath says, desperate to change things.

"Most of them will be Eldians! They're spawn of the devil!" Willy says as he stands up inside the cramped carriage, "don't change on me now, Commander Magath. You've sent countless Marleyans marching into machine guns and land mines. Why does it matter whether they're wearing uniforms or not? Just keep doing what you've always done".

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