Chapter 1: Kenny

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Kenny woke up one morning. He groaned in tiredness and tried to his side. It was 7:15 am on a Thursday. Kenny did not feel like doing anything that day, nor did he even feel like getting out of bed. He just wanted to fall back asleep. Of course, he couldn't because his mom opened his door, but not to tell him to get up for school, well actually yes, but that was not all, "Honey?" Kenny sat up, "Hm?" "When you come back home you going to be bringing Butters with you." his mother must have seen the confusion on his face because she started explaining, "His parents are going out of town for a couple of days and I told them that he could stay with us." Kenny gave his mother a 'really?' look, "Honey, I know we aren't the most....stable right now but we doing better. And this means so much to him and his parents so please." Kenny just sighs and nods his head, no point in arguing with his mom, what she says goes, "Great! Now go get ready for school." Kenny sighs again and gets up, reluctantly, 'Butters huh? Ok..nice kid I guess.' Kenny thought as he got ready for school.

After he was ready he toped the whole thing off with his classic orange parka, puts up the hood, and covers his face. He then puts on his shoes, picks up his bag, and heads out.

Kenny walks to school every day. Not because they live especially close to school but because their car is old and has problems, and with the increase in gas prices they can't afford to use more gas than necessary. They cant afford the bus fee anymore ether. So every day he just has to suck it up and walk.

Finally, after about 30 minutes he gets to school. He sighed and went in. He walked to his locker and put his stuff inside. He then closed his locker and went to class.

He sat down in his chair and sighed in relief to be off his feet. He then grabbed a piece of paper and wrote something down, crumbled it up, and throw it at Butters's desk. Butters jumped a little when it hit the desk but then grabbed it. He unrolled it and read it, 'Your walking home with me. Meet behind the school at the end of the day. It's quite the walk. So don't tier yourself too much before then.' Butters rolled it back up, looked over at Kenny, smiled, gave a big thumbs up, and then look back down at his desk.

Kenny smiled and also looked back down at his desk, 'He looks cute today.' he thinks. Though Kenny would never imitate it he kinda liked Butters. He was cute, nice, innocent, and caring. Kenny liked him a lot, but he was deeply in denial.

-So what ya'll think!? Did I do good? I hope. Anyways! I hope ya'll have a good day or night! Bye.

-Word count: 510

Butters x Kenny, "You deserve better!" [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now