Chapter 12: The End

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Kenny was running to the square as fast as he could only to be greeted by The Coon, "Coon...." "Oh hello, Mysterion! Fancy seeing you here.~ I suppose you are here to take all the glory?" Mysterion tries to get around him but The coon blocks him with his fat body, "Hey! No! I'm getting the fame for this one!" "Coon people are in danger! Move!!" "No! You have taken the glory for far too long!!" "Coon I need-" Kenny was cut off by a scream, but not any scream, Butters scream, "Butters!!" He punches The coon with all his strength, causing him to fall to the ground, "Butters!! Hold in there!!"


"Ahhhh!" Butters screams in anger as people pushed him down. He gets up, "Gees....they take everything from me and then they push me down...." he brushes his clothes off and pushes another button on his controller, causing another explosion to go off, "Hahahahah!! Chaos!! This is what you get!!" Butters laughs hard when he suddenly sees something. He turns and to his shock, it's, "Mysterion?" Butters shocked, "But I thought that you were...." "Died? Yeah." He chuckles, "Turns out I'm fine and ready to end this!" he pulls out his weapon, but Choas doesn't move instead Mysterion hears something else, crying. Choas was crying, Mysterion goes back to his normal stance, "Choas?" Chaos falls to the ground and starts bawling his eyes out, "Mysterion!!!!" He hugs him tightly. Mysterion jumps and pushes him off, "What in the world!?" "I-I thought you died!!" Chaos covers his face and Mysterion kneels to his level, "C-Chaos....I um....where Butters?" Chaos looks up at Mysterion, "I....I was going to tell you on the roof o-of the school but....this will have to do...." Mysterion got confused, "W-What? How do you-" Then suddenly Choas takes off his helmet and reveals Mysterion's worst nightmare, "B-Butters!? No. No no no no! I-It can't be you. Your-" "Your worst enemy....I'm sorry...." Mysterion is silent, " know what? F*** it." Mysterion grabs Butters and kisses him. They stay like that for a while before pulling away, "How could I have never noticed? Your eyes, your smile, your scar, the way you tilt your head when you're confused! How could I have been so stupid!" Mysterion holds Butters closer and Butters snuggles into his chest, "It doesn't matter now Mysterion. Right? I'm still me....right?" Mysterion looks into Butters's beautiful blue eyes, "I love you. That's all that matters. And I don't care what anyone else says. I want to spend the rest of entirety with you!!" Butters smiles as they kiss again. Butters then reaches for Mysterion's hood but was interrupted by something grabbing him and pulling him away, "Ahh!" "Butters!" Mysterion looks up and sees, "Coon!! Let go of him!!!!" The Coon laughs with a scared Butters in his hands, "Look what I got!~ Seems your boyfriend is the same person you threatened me for. You know....ever since then, I was wanting some petty revenge. Not for any good reason, I just didn't like how you talk to me. So what's better revenge would there be than hurting the thing you threaten me for right?" Butters tries to get out of The coons grasp but only ended up getting scratched, "Ow!" he yelps. Mysterion gets in a fighting stance, Cartman smiles, also getting ready to fight by tossing something into Butters's pocket, "What did you do Coon?" Mysterion asks, angry and also scared for Butters, Cartman laughs, "You see. While Butters wasn't looking. I stole one of his bombs and using my massive brain managed to adjust it to where it was less powerful! So now when the time runs out it will explode but just Butters! It's the perfect way to get revenge but also be known as the hero finally! I can see it in the headlines!" The coon raises his hand, "The Coon saves the day by exploding Professor Choas into little bits!!" he laughs, "What do you think Choas?" Butters shakes his head, "No! No! Please!" The Coon laughs and was about to ask Mysterion what he thought when he was punched by Mysterion....on to the button, starting the countdown.

Butters panics, "Ah! No!" he tries to pull the thing off but it stuck, "Mysterion!! It wont-Its won't come off! It's sticky!!" Mysterion panics and punches Coon again who fall to the ground but still with the control.

The Coon gets up and holds the controller tightly, "If want to stop it you'll have to get by me first!!" he laughs and Mysterion gets ready to fight, 'Only 4 minutes. I need to make this quick!!' he thinks and then punches Coon hard, "Off!" Coon goes for a punch but Mysterion dodges. Mysterion grabs The Coon by the back and throws him to the ground. He gets on top of him a punches him in the stomach cuasing The Coon to puke to the side, "Ew man...." Mysterion punches him again but in the face this time. The coon tried to scrach him but Mysterion doged and steped on his hands. He then punched The coon again, giving him bloody nose, "Ah! Fine! Fine you win!! Just get off!" Mysterion complies and gets off.

Mysterion just stood over him, "Wow....that was easy...." he then reaches down and grabs the controller. He looks around and finds the off switch, he uses it, and Butters lets out a sigh in relief, "Thank god!"

Mysterion smiles and holds Butters close, "Let's never do that again." Mysterion says, "Even if the fight was easy." Butters nods, "Agreed." Butters then shakily reaches for Mysterion's hood, "Can I?" Mysterion nods, "Of course." Butters pulls it off and to his shock sees, "Kenny. Kenny....Kenny!!" He smiles, "Y-You're not missing!" Kenny laughs, "Nope." Butters smiles, "My two favorite people are the same person. I couldn't be happier!" Kenny holds Butters closer and kisses all over his face, "God, I love you." Butters smiles, "Don't ever leave me again." Kenny nods, "Never again. I promise." Butters smiles and then looks over to see....cameras, "K-Kenny?" "Yes?" "....The news. They're here....and recording.... their live. Everyone in South Park can see us." Kenny turns, "Ooooh s***." they go silent as some remaining dust clouds from the explosions settle and people watch them, some in shock, some in fear, some in disgust, and some still have not noticed and still are panicking.

Kenny turns back to Butters, "F*** them." Kenny then kisses Butters passionately. Everyone around them gasps in shock and then when Kenny pulls away and picks Butters up, "Let's go." "Kenny?" "Yes?" "Can....Can I join you?" "For what?" "Can I become a hero with you? I can convince the rest of the team probably too! Well, maybe not The Coon but b-but everyone else!" Kenny smiles, "Of course hon. You can, I will make sure of it. Now come on. Let's go somewhere more private and not in front of cameras." He then uses a grappling hook and shoots it at one of the roofs of the remaining buildings that were still standing and they fly onto it, they then run off, both, into the night.

-What ya'll think of this final chapter? I will do an epilogue don't worry but this is the last official chapter! What ya'll think?

-Word count: 1244

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