Chapter 3: Crush

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Kenny was going crazy. Literally.

Every time he talked to, look at, or even thought about Butters, his crush would rise to the surface and he would go red and start mumbling like crazy. Kenny started to realize that he might like the blond.

Kenny was laying on his bed, thinking about Butters. Thinking about his hair, face, eyes, and oh, that hair, so soft, so pretty. And oh that face, so cute, that smile is so soft and reassuring, cheeks so chubby and round, Kenny just wanted to cup them in his hands. And oh those eyes, so round and blue. Blue and calm like the ocean, Kenny would often find himself getting lost in them when talking to Butters. Now however no matter how much loved those things, what Kenny loved most of all was Butters's voice. His cute, innocent voice. Kenny would go out of his way to talk to Butters, just to hear him say, "Hm? Oh howdy, Kenny! What can I do for you?" Kenny would make up something, maybe he 'accidentally' lost a key, or he needed 'help with homework', or even fake being panicked about something, just to hear Butters comfort him, "H-Hey. It's ok buddy. It wasn't your fault." "Hey, now it's going to be ok. You did the right thing." "Hey now. I care about you, Kenny. Don't you go saying no one does." Kenny smiles while thinking about all the things he said. That is until Butters walked into the room, "Oh I'm sorry Kenny. Did I interrupt you?" "No! No! It's fine. I wasn't doing anything." Butters smiles and sits on his mat, "That's good."

Kenny stares at Butters for a while, just taking in what's in front of him, "Kenny? You good?" Kenny snaps out of it, "Oh! Sorry. Zoned out there for a bit." Butters nods, "It's all good. No worries." Butters lies down and that's when he got a text, "Hm?" He picks up his phone and looks at the text, "Oh it's from my parents." "What they say?" "Butters why is there a sticky, melted....candy bar in our luggage and now has.... destroyed our clothes...." "Oh god." Butters frowns and texts back. After a few moments, he gets a text back, "I'm grounded...." Kenny could feel his bottom eyelid twitch, "How is that your fault?" "I-I should have known it was there. I-I should have checked." Kenny got off the bed, "Butters you didn't pack their luggage..right?" "No. I didn't. I don't know how that bar got in." Kenny kneels down to Butters's height, "So how is your fault at all?" "I-I should have checked!" "No. Don't you blame this on yourself." Butters frowns and hugs Kenny. Kenny pats his back, "Sorry if you don't like this but I don't like your parents all that much." "It's fine....I get it." Butters stopped hugging and wiped some small tears that had fallen from his face, "Sorry. I-I'm probably annoying you with this." "No. No. Not at all." Kenny smiles at him, 'I could listen to you all day. Though I would prefer you to be happy.' he thought, "Anything else you want to tell me about? You can vent to me." "I don't know Kenny. I wouldn't want to bore you." "You won't. promise." "I don't know....but it would be nice to tell someone but....I wouldn't want to dump all my stuff on you." Kenny was going to argue with him but he know it wasn't going to change his mind. Butters's mind was set, Kenny knew he would have to get his trauma out another way, and Kenny had an idea, but Butters would have to go home first.

Kenny looked at Butters, 'You so cute. I'll get to the bottom of your problems. I promise.' he thought.

-So how I do? I hope it was good. Anyways I hope ya'll have a good day or night. Bye!

-Word count: 653

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