Chapter 2: Home

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Kenny was sitting and waiting for Butters at the eage of the school. He was late but Kenny didn't mind. He didn't really want to go home so any excuse to be late he would take it. That's when he heard something, "Hey Kenny!" Kenny turns his head. It was Kyle, "Oh hey Kyle." "You taking the bus with us?" "Ya'll know my family can't afford the bus fee anymore." "Right. Sorry dude." "It's fine." "Anyway, why are you still here and not walking home?" "Oh, I'm waiting for Butters. My mom says were letting him stay over with us." "Don't ya'll have enough mouths to feed already." "Yeah. But what my mom says goes so...." "Alright. I wish you luck." Kenny nods and that's when he hears another voice, "Kyle! The bus is here!" "Coming!" the voice was Stan, "Oh hey Kenny! Still can't take the bus?" Kenny nods, "Aw. Well, I wish you luck with your money problems!" Kenny nods again and gives a thumbs up, "Come on, get on, and leave the poor boy alone!" Stan turns to voice. It was Cartman, "Coming. Be Patient!" Kyle gets up and runs to the bus, "See you later, Kenny! Don't replace us with Butters now!" Kenny chuckled and yelled back, "I won't!"

Kenny watched as the bus doors close and it pulls away from the pickup lane. Kenny sees his friends wave from the window and he waves back until he can't see them anymore. Kenny sighs and goes on his phone, "Jesus I'm bored." that's when he heard a loud thud sound, he turned to where it came from to find Butters. Butters gets up quickly and dusts himself off, "I-I'm sorry! I should have said something but ya'll looked like ya'll were having a good time and I didn't want to interrupt!" Kenny just blinked, "It's good. I didn't even know you heard any of that." "O-Oh...." Kenny got up from where he was sitting, "Should we go?" "Y-Yeah." they start heading to Kenny's home.

After about 20 minutes in, Butters was getting tired. Kenny noticed, "You need a break?" "N-No. I got this. Just not used to walking this long. That's all." Kenny nods and they keep walking. Kenny really didn't mind if they took a while getting there. It was nice to be walking outside, and like said, before he liked not being at home. Butters huffed as he got ready to pick up his pace. Kenny walked faster than him and Butters seemed to struggle to keep up. Kenny chuckled, "Gees you're slow." That's when Kenny picked Butters up, "Ah! Kenny!?" "What? You were struggling and you seemed tired. It's all good. Your light as all hell anyways." Butters blushed, "T-Thanks." "No problem." Kenny kept on walking and Butters wrapped his arms around Kenny's neck for support.

Butters was light, and so was Kenny but Butters was surprisingly a lot lighter. Kenny was surprised, he know he would be able to pick him up but he was not expecting to be able to do it that easily. Kenny almost flung him into the air because he used way too much strength, "Say Butters...." "Ya?" "How often do you eat?" "Three times a day? What do you mean?" "Ok.... because you just seem really light...." "I'm I too light?" "No! No! Not at all just....wondering." Butters is silent, "I..I don't know...." "Oh..well....Maybe you just have a..good metabolism...." Butters shrugs, "I guess." they both fall silent after that for the rest of the walk.

When finally at his house, Kenny puts Butters down gently, "Thanks." Butters says as he ajustes his bag. Kenny nods and unlocks the door, "Welcome to my humble abode that's not so humble!" Butters giggled a little. Kenny throw his bag down next to the door and then took Butters's and did the same, but more gently when putting it down, "O-Oh. Thank you, Kenny." Kenny smiles, "Of course. You are the guest after all." That's when Kenny's mom walked up, "Oh good. Ya'll are finally here. Kenny do you mind showing Butters around." Kenny nods, "Sure." "Ok. And he will be sleeping in your room. I'll go see what we can have for dinner." she then walked off.

Kenny sighs and starts to show Butters around and then they came to his room, "Here is my room. You'll sleep here with me." Butters smiles and nods. He looks around, Kenny's room wasn't that bad. I mean sure it wasn't the greatest, but Butters could get used to it, "Sorry it's not the greatest-looking room. I would've cleaned before you got here but I just found out you were coming this morning so....I didn't really get the chance." Butters turned and gave him a reassuring smile. The type of smile that can make anyone feel ok, the type of smile that can make anyone feel like everything is going to be ok, "It's ok. I don't mind. I don't have the cleanest room either." Kenny smiled back from under his hood. He know it was a lie, Butters has the cleanest room, mostly cause his parents would kill him if he didn't keep it looking nice, "Anyway, I got a matt for you." Kenny goes into his closet and grabs a riped up mat and a few blankets and pillows, "Here. I know it's not great but-" Before Kenny could finish Butters flops on the mat and curls up, "Thanks, Kenny." Kenny is silent before he smiles, "Right. No problem Butters." Kenny sits on his own bed and thinks, 'God he's cute.' Kenny lays down, 'What's wrong with me?' Kenny turns to his side, 'everyone thinks his cute right? He just has a nice face....' Kenny thinks some more, 'I'm not gay. I'm fine. I'm fine. It's ok.' Kenny turns to Butters. He looks like his asleep, 'He looks so peaceful. Like an angel or a bunny.' Kenny reaches to gently touch Butters's face when he snaps out of it, 'Crap what am I doing!?' Kenny turns away, 'I'm not gay! Stop!' poor Kenny, still doesn't think his gay, poor poor Kenny.

-How did I do? Anyways hope ya'll have a good day or night!

-Word count: 1049

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