Chapter 7: The Scotch parents

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Its 9:00 almost midnight and Kenny was outside, he only has an hour to do this. He needs to be careful, and quiet. He sneaks in and heads to Butters's parent's room and opens the door.

He walks in and stands over their sleeping bodies. He is silent before stepping in them to wake them. They jolt up, "Who are you-" Kenny covers their months, "Shhh! Dont wake up your son now.... let's make this easy." he grabs his weapon, "Stay quiet. You'er lucky your son loves you or else we would be doing more than just talking." he backs up, "Alright so here is the treat Butters like you actually care about him and I don't leave you with a hospital bill. Cause I'm not opposed to breaking some bones." Butters's parents were silent, before his dad spoke up, "Who are you? Who sent you?" Kenny frowns, "You don't know? Wow. You don't watch the news, do you? Oh well! I don't blame you. There of horrible stuff on there." Kenny jumps off the bed, "I am Mysterion. I would say nice to meet you but..I wish I never had. And for who sent me. Myself! I just heard you treat your son like garbage and I.... decided to fix it." Butters's mom was scared as hell and his dad was trying to grab his gun, "I wouldn't reach for your gun Mr.Scotch. Even if you kill me I will just be back tomorrow morning and I'll come back the next night over and over again. Nothing you do will get rid of me. So I recommend you listen to me now." Butters's dad nods and backs up, "Please.... don't hurt us. Please." "I won't as long as you treat Butters well. You will after this. That's an order." Butters's mom nods franticly, "O-Ok. Yes just..please go!" Kenny is silent and goes to the window, "I'll know, so you better do it." he then leaps out of it and swing himself over to Butter's window.

20 minutes before midnight so Kenny thought he could just watch Butters for a while. He peeks through the window and sees Butters drawing, waiting. He looks closer at the drawing to see it's a drawing of him or rather Mysterion. He goes red and smiles 'He's thinking of me.' he looks at his watch. It wasn't midnight yet but he just ignores it and goes anyway. He knocks on the window, making Butters jump a little.

Butters gets up and opens the window, "Mysterion!" he hugs Kenny, "Your back!" Kenny smiles and hugs back as he hops in, "Hello Butters." Butters reaches for his drawing, "Look! I made a drawing of you!" he lifts the paper. Kenny can just feel his heart melt, "That's great Butters. I love it." "Here. Take it." Butters gives Kenny the paper, "I made it for you." Kenny takes it, "Thank you. I will keep this with me." he puts the drawing in his pocket, 'It's so cute, and it's for me!'

Kenny takes out his notebook, "Anything happen today Butters?" "Hmmm....well..I got grounded..again." Kenny balled his fists, "What happened Butters?" Kenny could feel himself slowly getting more a more ticked off by the second, but he kept a calm outer appearance, "They said I was eating too fast....and then when I eat slower they said I was eating too slow so I got grounded for longer...." Butters frowns and Kenny wanted to hit his head on a desk, 'How stupid are these peaple!?' he pats Butters's back, "Don't worry Butters. I'm sure everything will get better soon." Butters turns to him, "You promise?" "Promise. I will make sure of it." Butters smiles, "Thank you Mysterion. Thank you. I hope yours will get easier too. If it is of course." Kenny chuckles, "Oh don't worry about me. Nothing I've never dealt with before." "Job must be hard though....I watch the news." "It's worth it in the end. I protect the innocent. Like you." Butters gets red and tehn looks down, " Mysterion. There's something you should know." Kenny looks at him, confused, "What is it?" "I'm not that innocent....Really. You got the wrong person Mysterion." Kenny puts a hand on Butters's shoulder, "No I don't." "No really! You should go for someone else! L-Like Kenny! Or Kyle! O-Or Pip's grave! Cause I'm not the right one." Kenny grabs Butters, "Butters. You are the best person! I promise! Since the moment I saw you, I knew. I knew. Ok?" Butters is silent and then nods, "Ok....ok...." "Ok." Kenny cups Butters's cheeks, "I'll be back tomorrow night. I lov-like coming here! You are really nice and deserve to be helped. Ok?" "'ll keep my drawing right?" "Of course. Look." Kenny takes the picture out of his pocket, "I'm going to keep this right. Ok?" he puts it in another pocket near his heart, "It'll help me fight. It'll give me power. Ok?" "Ok. Ok yeah." Kenny smiles, "I'll see you tomorrow. Good night. Stay safe." Kenny then jumps out the window and into the night. Butters smiles as he watches him, "I'm sorry Mysterion. I love you."

-What ya'll think? I liked it. I hope ya'll enjoyed it and have a great day or night. Good bye!

-Word count: 876

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