Chapter 9: Kiss

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Butters had no idea what had gotten into his parents, but they had been a lot nicer to him this morning. They made him pancakes, packed his bag, and kissed his forehead before he went on his way to school, they even offered to drive him but Butters declined, he liked walking. Still, though he was happy, maybe this is where his life changed for the better, Mysterion really did a good job at talking to them, and Butters wondered what he had said. He shakes it off though and continues on his way to school.

At school he is happy, as he dances around he goes over to Kenny, "Howdy Ken!!" "Oh hey, Leo." Butters sits next to him and smiles. Kenny smiles back and starts talking to him, "How's your day?" "Great! My parents are so nice today!!" Kenny seems happy, "Good. That's good." Kenny scouts closer to Butters, "Hey Butters you....want to....g-" Kenny was suddenly interrupted by a boy in a blue hat, with blond hair, "Hey Butters. Do you want to go out on a date?" they seemed very confident so when Butters said, "Oh um....I'm sorry I like someone else." he was shocked and so Kenny, 'Butters likes someone!? No. No no no no!! No!! This can't be happening!!' but Kenny had no time to panic right now cause the other dude was being mad disrespectful to Butters, causing him to tell him that he would never find someone better and that no one would ever love him, called him ugly and that he hopes that he gets his heartbroken by the person he really likes. Kenny feels angry and stands up, "Go f*** yourself! Nobody wants you here! Nobody likes you, and you're an a**hole!!" the other boy was mad but he just stormed off but not without yelling a few cures words at him while he left, "Kenny....thank you." Butters says. Kenny smiles and sits back down, "No, Butters.." "Yes?" "Who..who do you like?" Butters is silent, "W-Well...." he studders as he tries to figure out how to tell Kenny, "Well it's this guy." "Guy?" "Y-Yesh I'" Kenny nods, "Ok. Well, that's ok. I still see you the same." Butters smiles and sighs a sigh of relief, "Thank god." "Anyways, continue." Butters nods and continues, "It's this guy....his....his nice and....he helped me so much!" Kenny could feel his heart shader into millions of tiny pieces and the sharp points stab into his the inside of his chest. Kenny felt anger but tried his best to keep calm outside, "Oh ok..well that's nice. I'm....I'm glad that you like them so much...." Butters is silent, "But I don't know what they think of me...." Kenny gulps down his anger, "I'm sure he likes you I mean..who wouldn't? You're nice and caring. Anyone would be lucky to call you their....boyfriend." Kenny was pissed, not at Butters, at himself, how could he let such an innocent soul fall in love with someone who probably doesn't deserve him. Kenny was going to say something more but that's when the teacher entered the classroom and they had to return to their desks and start class but the more Kenny thought of it throughout the day, the more mad he got.


Butters was almost home and could see his parents outside on the driveway. He was confused, normal, they would be inside, reading or something, but today they were outside. Butters walked up to them. "Well, howdy Mom and Dad!!" his parents looked down at him, "H-Hey Butters." His dad says, "Would you like cake?" "Cake? Well of course I want cake! I love cake!" Butters smiles. His mom nods and goes inside, Butters tried to follow her but was stopped by his dad, "Say, son. How would you like to throw the old football around?" Butter smiles, "You mean we can play together!!?? Yes of course!!" His dad nods and grabs the ball. His mom comes out with a piece of cake, Butters smiles as he grabs it, it was his favorite, a strawberry ice cream cake with chocolate between the layers. He smiles and eats it with speed before going to play with his dad.

They play until dark before going in for dinner where his parents tell him to get in the car cause they were going to Bennigan's. Butters happily jumped in and they droved off. 

Butters had a great time, smiling and happy the whole time, and when it all came to an end his parents tucked him into bed and read a bedtime story, such an innocent and nice soul, but sadly Kenny was not feeling the same, as he was trying desperately to find who Butters liked. He hoped that if he found them would somehow solve all of this. Somehow, he didn't know how, he just had a feeling, a feeling that did not make sense. How would finding who it is help? How would it help at all? He didn't know but he needed to know, he just....need to know. He need to, but he need a break and midnight was almost here. He grabbed his Mysterion outfit and headed out, for Butters's house.


When there he waited at the window, looking in he saw a very happy Butters staring at the ceiling, waiting. He knocked on the window and Butters jumped up and unlocked the window, "Mysterion!!" he hugged him, "I'm so happy your back! What did you do to make my parents so nice!?" Kenny smiled, "I just talked to them." "I-I guess it was easier than I thought." Butters lay down, "Hey Mysterion?" "Yes?" "Do you never mind." Kenny puts a hand on Butters's shoulder, "Tell me." "It's nothing, someone?" Kenny freezes up, "W-Well....yeah, I do." "W-What!? I-I mean you do..oh...." Butters frowns and quickly puts on a fake smile, "That's nice! W-Who is it?" Kenny rested his head on one of Butters' walls, "Well.... they are really nice..and cute..and they just....get treated like trash and I just want to give them the world...." Butters frowns, "You can....You can go to them instead." "Huh?" "You can go to them. You want to help them....and you already helped you can go help them." "No Butters I told you your-" "I know. I know. The nicest person in South Park. But if you like them should go and help them." "But Butters I-...." Kenny looks at Butters and sees that he was tearing up, "Butters!" He cups his face and wipes the tears away, "No no no! D-Dont cry. I'm not going anywhere." Butters snuggles his face into Kenny's chest, "I'm sorry I'm sorry! I-I'm being so selfish!" "No! No no no no. Butters don't cry. I love you! I hate to see you cry please!" Butters freezes up and is silent, and Kenny realizes what he had said, "Crap!! I-I mean, Butters! I-I um....I-I-" "Mysterion I....I love you too!! I love you so much!" He hugs him, Kenny freezes up, "I-I....oh to hell with it!" Kenny cups Butters's face and kisses him. They stay like that for a while and when they finally separate they stare at each other without saying a word, they didn't need to, they love each other, and they know it, "I-I can't believe that this is happening! I never thought that I would get a boyfriend! Especially not one that is so....handsome and mysterious." Mysterion chuckles, "And I never thought that I would get such an adorable boyfriend." Butters blushes and giggles, "I-I love you...." "I love you too..." Butters smiles but then frowns, "Mysterion...." "Yes?" "I-I have to tell you something...." "Yes, hon?" "I-I....Meet me on the roof of the school tomorrow? Ok?" Mysterion blinks in confusion, "O-Ok. Why?" "Just trust me! Please." "Ok. I will. What time?" "Midnight. Instead of my room. Meet me on the roof." "Ok." Mysterion kisses Butters one last time before going to the window, "I'll see you tomorrow ok? And also....I'll tell you who I am tomorrow ok?" "Ok!" Butters smiles and watches as he once again jumps into the night and runs off. Butter smiles happily but also nervously, for tomorrow.

-What ya'll think? Double chapter!

-Word count: 1369

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