Chapter 6: Threating

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Kenny was still sleeping in the vent when the school bell rang. He woke up instantly and looked around for Butters. Butters was packing up his stuff, Kenny watched him in awe, not because Butters was doing anything fascinating while packing up, it was just because to Kenny everything Butters does is just..adorable, if he could just Watch Butters for the rest of time, he could never get bored, but of course that's not going to happen. Kenny watched as Butters walked out of the classroom, heading to his next class.

Kenny would have loved to follow but he had something to do, and right now, would be perfect. He crawls through the vent until he gets a good view of the hallway, and waits, "Almost..only a couple more minutes. Very soon now." And that's when Cartman walks under the vent, "Now." he only has a few minutes before Cartman gets away. He climbs through the vent until he's in the vent for the broom closet. He drops from the roof, into the closet and grabs the knob. He waits for a minute and then swings it open and reaches out the door until he grabs an arm. He pulls the person on the other side of the arm, into the closet, and then slams the door shut. He turns to look at the person he grabbed, "Cartman!" it was, indeed, Cartman.

"What the-w-what the hell!? Mysterion!?" "Indeed. You're probably wondering what I'm doing here." "Yes!" " see.." Mysterion pulls out a weapon, "I heard you were....bullying me. Someone very close to me." He gets closer, "So..I feel like it's obvious why I can't let that continue...." Cartman backs up, "A-Ay look! W-We can talk about this!" " about all the things I am going to do to you if you don't stop." Kenny lits his weapon to Cartman's head, "H-Hey! Put that down!" "Then stop." "Alright! Fine! Who is it though?" "What do you mean" "Who is the person you want me to stop bullying!?" "Oh..Butters." Cartman seems shocked, "What? Butters knows you!?" "Well..yes. Yes, he does." "Wow....Gees..I guess Butters got connections...." "....Sure..ok. Just go! I got others I need to "talk" to." "You mean threaten and beat up?" "No. But I'm close to doing that to you." Cartman puts his arms up, "Ok. Ok. Calm down." Cartman moves to the door, opens it, steps out, and closes it. Kenny sighs, "One down....many more to go." he climes back into the vent and crawls around, going back the way he came, but before he leaves he checks up on Butters in his next class.

"He's so cute~" He watches him for a while. To Kenny, even the small things looked cute to him. Like how he fiddles with his hello kitty pen, how shifts in his chair and gets closer to the paper when trying to concentrate, and how he plays with his hair. Kenny's heart just melts at the sight of them, 'They're so dam cute!!' if anyone saw him look at Butters the way he is right now, they would probably think he's having a stroke. Kenny is known not to show much emotion and be quiet, but when he does it's mostly just to hit on girls, not that the girls mind. Kenny Isn't considered popular, but a lot of girls fangirl over him, even some of the really popular girls liked him. Why? Cause even though he doesn't take his hood off often when he does, as people would describe him, he's really handsome, and you could get lost in his blue eyes, and his voice only brings it more out. So when Kenny hits on someone, they usually just go with it, in fact, sometimes they even faint. Kenny never got why they loved him so much, he thought he was pretty normal, but if Butters acted the same way, I was sure Kenny wouldn't mind, he would love to see the little blond boy melt in his arms. The more Kenny thought about it, the more he melted and the more his head slipped off his hands until it fall onto the floor of the vent with a loud metal clunk, causing the whole class to look up from their papers in surprise, and also snapping Kenny out of his trance, 'Crap' Kenny quickly turned and crawled away before they could figure out where the sound came from.

Once outside again he waited. For what? Bebe. She was also on that list. Now she didn't really do much, but she did pick on him a little though, and Butters didn't seem to like it to much, so Kenny thought he would just talk to her normally and that would be the end of it. He hopes at least.

-Time skip.-

After hours, Kenny finally hears the bell that marks the end of the day, ring. He waits patiently, in a hidden stop of course. He watches as people run out, just a sea of people, 'Where is she....' Kemmy scans the people running out. Bebe stays at school for an hour after on Mondays. Why? Cause she hangs with Wandy after school and Wendy has to stay back on Monday because she's president. Kenny waits until almost all the people left. Only the people who are car riders or bus riders are left. He looks around and finds Bebe, 'Great she by herself!' he sneaks over to where Bebe is and grabs her.

"Hey!!" "Shhh!! Don't panic." "M-Mysterion?" "Yes. I need to talk to you." "O-Ok? Why?" "I um....I heard you pick on....someone close to me.." "....Someone close to you? Someone you know..comes here?" "Yes...." Bebe looks surprised, "And I know them!?" "Yes...." "Who!?" "Um....Butters.." Bebe freezes, "Butters? Knows you?" "Yes.. he's my friend..a very close friend. So I would like you to stop picking on him. I know it's not bad, but he doesn't like it so....stop." "Um...sure. I....I'm just more shocked that he knows you." "Right....anyways. I have stuff to do. So I best be leaving. Don't tell anyone. I was never here." Kenny then flees into a shadow and heads away from the school. On to his next person or rather persons.

-So what do ya'll think?

-Word count: 1034

Butters x Kenny, "You deserve better!" [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now