Chapter 5: A talk with a little sister.

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Kenny sits in his bed making a list. A list of what? A list of people he's going to..'talk to' as asked to by Butters, but Butters does that all the time, and it never works, so he was still going talk to him, but not nicely, not nicely at all.

He finished the list just in time for school, but he wasn't going to school. Well, he is but no one is going to know, except his family. He called the school and did his best parent voice. So the school thinks his out sick. So no one at school knows he's going to be there.

"Karen you ready!?" He calls to his little sister as he zips up his parka, "Coming!" she skips over and Kenny puts her backpack on before getting his, "You ready for your first day?" "Yes!" "Great! Let's go!" they head out.

They had out. Today Kenny is going to take a side root that way he can drop off his sister and not have to be late, "Your going to make lots of friends." "You think so?" "I know so. You're going to make so many friends. You're going to be so loved." Karen smiles and then asks something that catches Kenny off guard, "Big brother when is your girlfriend coming back to our house?" "Girlfriend? Karen, I don't have a girlfriend." "Then who was the lady that was at our house for a few days?" "....You mean Butters?" "Is that her name?" "I think so!" Kenny laughs, "He is not my girlfriend neither is he a girl. He's a boy!" Kenny laughs harder, "He's a boy!? Oh! But he looked so pretty how...." Kenny wipes some tears from his eyes, he was still laughing. He soon calmed down, "He is pretty tho. You got that right." Kenny zones out for a minute, just thinking of him before he was snapped out of his trance when he heard his sister, "So you're not dating?" "Huh? Oh! No no. We are not...." Karen frowns, " you like him?" Kenny's cheeks heated up, "Um....w-well....m-Maybe....yes..but you can't tell anyone. Ok, Karen?" Karen nods, "Ok! Your secret is safe with me!" she then pretends to zip her lips shut. Kenny chuckles, "Great. And just in time. We're here."

They look at the school as they walk up to it, "Ok. I'll pick you up at 3:00 ok?" "Ok! See you soon!" Kenny smiles as he watches his sister go in and then he himself walks off.

-Time skip.-

When at school he drops his backpack near a tree and grabs something from it. It's his costume. He changes into it and puts his normal clothes away. He takes out his list and runs up to the school.

"Perfect! The window I opened yesterday is still unscrewed." he climes in, "Thank god the school does not have good Security. At all." Kenny was right. The school does not have good Security at all. They don't even have cameras so it was easy to break in and not be found out, "I think think the school is just cheap. That or their broke. Or Maybe both. Who knows."

He sneaks around until he found a good place to hide. It was a vent, 'The first victim....Cartman...." he has serious look on his face. He crawls through in vent, 'Luckily the vents are pretty big.'

He crawled until he was watching over his classroom. Everyone was there. Including Butters. Kenny sighed as his heart melted. He watched Butters happily, 'He's so cute' he thinks. He watched as Butters played with his pencil, twirled his thumbs, hummed, answer questions, and blow his hair out his face when it falls over it. Kenny loved him so much, he was so innocent, and cute. He soon felt his eyes drop, and as he starred at Butters he didn't fight it and soon he fell asleep, happily, thinking of Butter, in the vent. Let's hope he does not snore.

-So what ya'll think? I think it was good.

-Word count: 687

Butters x Kenny, "You deserve better!" [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now