Chapter 4: Mysterion

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A week had gone by and Butter's parents had come back. Kenny was happy that Butters could finally go back to a good house but he could see how upset Butters was when he left, even if he was smiling, he could see it in his eyes. But at least now he can help Butters. What was he going to do? Well, let me show you.

It's midnight and Kenny gets out of bed. He reaches into his closet and lifts one of his floorboards and grabs something. It's an outfit, or rather a costume. Kenny puts it on and looks in the mirror. In the mirror is a familiar someone, known only as..Mysterion. Kenny smiles and then puts on a serious look as he goes for the window and slowly opens it, trying not to make noise. He then jumps out of it and runs off, into the night.

-Time skip.-

Kenny gets a homemade gachet ready as he walks up to Butters's house. Using it, he jumps onto the first-story roof. He snuck along the outside wall of the second story and makes sure not to be loud.

He finally reaches Butters's window, and he peers inside to see a still awake Butters, 'What is he doing still awake? whatever it makes what I'm going to do easier.' he knocked on the widow. Butters looks at the window, started by the sudden noise. Butters goes over, "M-Mysterion!?" Butters looked shocked and a little worried but Kenny shakes it off as a normal reaction to having a superhero at your window.

Butters shakingly reaches for the window and opens it, "W-What are you doing here? D-Did I do something?" Kenny- sorry Mysterion climes in and Butters backs up, trembling, "Not at all. In fact the exact opposite." Butters seems to calm but his fear is replaced with confusion, "W-What do you mean the exact opposite?" Mysterion gets a little closer to Butters as he explains, "You see..I noticed that horrible things happen to the nicest of people. Things that they don't deserve at all. Which is why...." He gently cupped Butters's face in his gloved hands, "I decided I would protect the nicest, most innocent, and most caring, person, in South Park. Which just so be you.." Butters's face turned red.

"B-But w-why am I the nicest person in this town? I feel like there are a lot better people. L-Like Kenny!" Mysterion blushed a little from behind the mask, 'Aw! He thinks I'm nice! He's so..humble. God he's adorable.' he shakes it off, 'Not now! You need to focus Kenny!'

"That's really nice Butters. I'm sure he would have loved that you said that but I assure you, you are the nicest, most innocent person in this town." Butters is silent but soon enough nods his head, "O-Ok. And because of that, you're going to..protect me?" "Yes. protected you from everything. Bullys, parents, Professor Choas, and the other supervillains." Butters seemed to get worried from the last two examples, which confused Mysterion a little, "A-And what will you do to them?" "Whatever you want. Anything at all. And you can tell me anything too. Your day, life, friends, bad thoughts, anything. Think of me like a therapist that also works as a bodyguard for you." Butters plays with his fingers, "Anything?" "Anything." Butters is silent before sitting in the bed and patting a spot next to him, singling to Mysterion to sit as well, and he does.

And thus commences an hour-long rambling of all the things in Butters's life, school, friends, parents, and random things that's happening in Butter's life. Mysterion listens to the best of his ability and is shocked by all the things in Butter's life he has to deal with. His parents' groundings for stupid reasons, Cartman using him that stresses him out, not really having friends, and just in general being treated like trash. It made his blood boil but he had to keep calm, for Butters.

By the end of thier time, Butters had strted to cry a little, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Mysterion hugs him, "Shh~ Its ok~ I promise I will take care of all of it. I promise." Butters nods, "H-How will you do it?" "However you want." Butters is silent, "Talk to them, nicely....I don't want anyone to be hurt..please." Mysterion nods, "Ok." "Mysterion?" "Yes?" "....Do you..hate Porffasser Chaos?" Mysterion thinks for a minute, "Why do you want to know?" "Well you guys fight and evil and you're you're like do you..hate him?" Mysterion goes silent for a minute, "No. Hate is..a strong word. I don't hate him..I just.. don't get along with him." Butters smiles a little but quickly wipes it off his face, "Ok...."

Mysterion looks at the time, "It's getting late. I should go now. You need sleep." Mysterion gets up and opens the window, "Wait! Will I see you again?" Butters asks. Mysterion turns around, "I'll come back tomorrow at midnight. For now though get some sleep. You need rest." then he jumps out and Butters watches him disappear into the night.

Butter walks up to the window and smiles, "Mysterion...Isn't so..bad.." Butters then closed the window and lays down in his bed. He gets comfy and closes his eyes, "I can't wait! For tomorrow!"

-What ya'll think? I hope ya'll have a good day or night! Bye!

-Word count: 891

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