Chpater 8: Professor Chaos

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Butters smiles as he looks out his window but then frowns when he looks away and walks to his closet, "Sorry Mysterion but....I'm still a villain." he grabs his costume from its hiding spot and puts it on, "Maby one day it will end but....not today. Not today." he jumps out his window and heads down to the town square.

He stops at a tree and looks around until he sees the thing he was looking for. What was it? A bomb, "Perfect." Butters had prepared for this day, "Mysterion always knows what I'm planning and stops me...." Butters frowns when thinking of him, "I have to at least get something as revenge. I just hope he doesn't know somehow." Butters's plan was that he was going to blow up the town square, which for South Park, was a lot of stores and restaurants, and jobs. So this would really throw them all off. Butters smiles as he thinks of it, "Revenge." he had told Genirel Disarray to put the bomb on the tree, which was in the middle of the town, this bomb was powerful and Butters had to be really careful, if he didn't back up enough then he could kill himself by accident. He pulls the bomb out and position it correctly on the edge of the pot of the tree and backed way up. He then pulled a controller out and was about to push it when someone punched his back, hard.

He fall to the ground and turned around fast, "W-Who-Mysterion!?" it was indeed Mysterion, "H-How did you know I!?" "Well, you know....I was headed back to my base, my team waiting for me and all when I just happened to see you. What are you planning Choas?" Butters gets up and hold the controller tightly, "I'm getting my revenge on this town!" Butters tried his best to act tough but after his heartfelt moment with Mysterion it was hard to not be sad, 'God I love him so much, but....I have to do this. This town is horrible!' he thought.

Mysterion runs up to him and tries to grab him but Chaos jumped out of the way in the nick of time, "You can't stop me this time! No one can!!" Mysterion gives him an angry but focused look as he tries to get the controller out of Butters's hand but Choas throws him to the ground with force, "Dont do it Choes!!" he yells but Butters smiles, still feeling sad but trying his best to hide it, "I planted a bomb! And with one press of this button the whole town square with be nothing!!" Mysterion lets out a low growl, "Choas! If you touch that I swear-!" "I don't want to fight Mysterion! Just let me have this! Revenge! Peace of mind! Just this one!! I beg of you." Mysterion sighs and lowers his head, "Sorry Professor. But I can't allow you to do this. It's against the cause I'm for. To do good, for the world, especially South Park." Butters sighs, he loved how committed he was to saving the day but he wish he had just let him because now they had to fight, "I was afraid you were going to say that, but I was worth a shot." and that's when they run at each other and start beating each other.

Mysterion throws Butters on his back and ounches his face and Butters throws him off of him and Mysterion hits his head on a lamp post. Butters cringes at the noise it makes, 'Ouch.' he frowns but that's when Mysterion gets up and punches the crap out of Butters's chest. Butters crawls out from under Mysterion and uses the wall to pick himself up. He pants as his whole body is in pain, "Oh hamburgers....o-ow. This hurts." he looks over at Mysterion and sees something, it was Butters's drawing,  'He really keeped it.' he smiles but he was in so much pain. He closes his eyes in pain and grabs the controller and was about to press it when he felt it pulled out his hand and hears a loud snapping sound. He looked a saw Mysterion had grabbed it out his hand and brock it. Butters is silent, "O-Oh. Oh god...." he sat down and Mysterion looked down at him, "I won against Choas. Next time.... don't let your guard down so much." Butters is silent as he limps away.

Butters sat down in an alleyway, 'Mysterion is so nice that I forgot how strong he is. That hurt like hell.' he thought. He takes deep breaths before he thought he had enough energy to go back home. Luckily the injuries were more on his chest and not on more noticeable places like his face. He could hide them more easily.

He limps his way home and collapses in the bed in pure pain and tiredness. He didn't even have enough energy to care that his plan failed. He was just too tired, he know that the news would have the story in the paper tomorrow and he would just be upset then.

-What ya'll think. I might do another chapter so ya'll would get a double chapter. Would that be nice? I hope so.

-Word count: 878

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