Chapter 10: The Coon

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The Coon watches as Mysterion runs off into the night after jumping out the window of Butters's house, "So the little Butter boy is dating my enemy huh? know what? I can use this. I can, I can finally get rid of Mysterion. Once a for all!" The Coon laughs, "Oh how happy I am that I heard this and stopped!" The Coon then runs off.


Kenny sighed, normally people would be happy on the weekends because no work or school, but Kenny didn't get that. The weekend for him just meant no school but there was still work.

Kenny sighs as he looks through complaints from people in South Park, "Gees people have nothing better to do than complain." he looks around more when he sees something. One that was sent in last night, he looks closer at it and sighs. It was from an HOA, they were complaining that late at night some people in the neighborhood were seeing someone that looked suspiciously like Professor Choas digging up and over watering, their flowers and bushes, and in turn ending up killing them. Kenny sighs as he gets up and heads out, sure it wasn't the worse thing ever but everything else was even less important so Kenny thought that he might as well get this done just so he could kill something off his long list of complaints. As he heads out he passes by Wonder Tweek, "O-Oh h-h-hey M-Mysterion." "Oh hey, Wonder Tweek. You coming in today?" "Y-Yeah. Super Craig asked if I-I wanted to do something today and we d-decided on t-t-this." "Oh, that's good. Well if you're looking for something then I have some complaints on the table you can look through together." "O-O-Ok. Thanks. O-Oh and....I heard The Coon laughing last night....I don't know what he is planning but I would look out for him." Kenny sighs, "That guy is always planning something....ok thanks. I will." Kenny then heads out.


Kenny was heading over to Professor Choas's lair. He knows where it was cause it was not very well hidden at all. It was in plain sight but Kenny couldn't care less. He heads to a window and breaks it open. Inside he sees Professor Choas writing on a white broad, "Professor!" Professor Choas turns around, "Oh hey Mysterion!" Chaos smiles but then a face of realization comes over his face, "Wait..Mysterion!? What are you doing here!?" Mysterion climes in, "Choas calm down. I'm not here to fight. I'm just here on behalf of the people. They would appreciate it if you stopped overwatering and digging up their plants. A lot of them have died and-" "Wait. They died?" Kenny nods, "Yes and-" "WHAT!?" Kenny backs up as Choas falls to the ground in tears, "They died!? No no! I didn't- w-who..who would do that!!??" Kenny watches as Choas has a breakdown right in front of him, "C-Chaos!?" "I didn't- I didn't-I didn't do it! I-I...." Kenny bends down and hugs him, "Hey. Hey. Calm down. It's it wasn't you then who was it?" Chaos calms down and goes silent, "I-I.. don't know....but....I would check Coon....he hates plants.." Chaos wipes some tears from his face. Kenny looks at him, 'Cu-no! Stop you have a boyfriend!! That you love whole heartily!' he shakes it off, "Ok. Well see you later then. Um....feel better....I guess." he then heads out, leaving a sad Professor Choas.


Kenny looks around for The Coon. It getting late and he still has not found him, "I could be doing other things right I need to meet up with Butters soon." he sighs and then remembers what Wonder Tweek said, "Hes planning something. Crap. I need to be careful." he lands on a roof to rest a little and that's when he hears screaming, "What the-" he turns to see The Coon robbing a bank, "Crap!" he rushes over, "Coon!"

The Coon turns to him, "Ah Mysterion. You made it. Hey." he laughs, "Finnily everything is coming together!" "What are you talking about!?" The Coon laughs, "Come closer and find out." Kenny goes over carefully only to be punched in the chest.


Butters was heading over to the school to meet up with Mysterion. He was excited but also scared at the same time. What would he think about Butters once he know that he was his worse enemy? Would he still love him? Or would Butters get his heartbroken? He hoped not.

As he walked to the school he passed by the bank and saw a bunch of news reporters. He got closer to see what was happing. His eyes widen as he saw his boyfriend and The Coon together on the roof, fighting. He watched as they fought, "M-Mysterion!" Mysterion was getting backed up to the edge of the roof and people were getting worried. When suddenly The Coon landed one final hit on Mysterion and Butters watched in horror as Mysterion fell off the roof, "MYSTERION!!" he screamed in horror but his screams were drowned out by other people panicking and the evil laughter of The Coon as he watched his enemy die once and for all.


The news the next morning was reporting on the incident. No one found the body but based on the blood and how far he fall everyone know that Mysterion did not make it. This destroyed Butters, just as his life seem to be getting better it got worse again.

The night the news reported about the incident, his parents went right back to being horrible and even broke out the wine as they sang all night about how Mysterion was died and praised The Coon. People went right back to bullying him, especially Cartman, and on top of all that Butters's lost the love of his life. He was in pain mentally and physically. He couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want to die but he couldn't take his life anymore so he came up with a plan. He let Professor Choas completely take control. He was going to destroy this horrible town that took everything from him. Little did he know that Mysterion didn't die, just badly injured, but not died. Not died at all.

-What ya'll think?

-Word count: 1076

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