Chapter 11: Crazy

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"Stupid Coon...." Kenny crawls as he tries to get to a wall, "Butters.... don't forget me....if I die.... don't forget me....please...." he gets to a wall and uses it to sit. He takes off a piece of his cape and wraps it around his injuries, "Gees....B-Butters...." he looks through his inner pocket and pulls out Butter's drawing. He holds it close, "Butters....I know I won't die permanently but....I still don't want to....I...." He holds his side, "No! I won't die!! I-I won't!" he gets up and starts limping away, drawing still clutched in his hands. He limps his way to his base, it was hard to hide, climb, or even move at all but he managed.

He opens the door to it and limps in only to see his team in there talking. They turn to him, "Mysterion!?" Toolshed yells, "He's alive!!" Mosquito yelled back as well. They all ran up to him, "He's hurt! But him bandages!" Call girls yells. They run to get stuff to help him as Kenny just rests in a chair while holding on to Butters's drawing, " love....I love you....I..I'm doing this for you...." he closes his eyes in pain as the others bandage him up, "How did you survive?" Wonder Tweek asks, "Whos the drawing from?" Super Craig asks, "I bet it's from his giiiiirlfriend!" Mosquito says mockingly, only to get elbow bumped by Tuberware "Not now man. He's injured." finally after a while they finished and Mysterion gets up, "You should rest Mysterion." Call girl says, "Yeah. After falling that high you need it." Toolshed adds. Mysterion sighs and shakes his head, "Thank but I can't. I got something I have to do now!" Toolshed shakes his head, "It has to wait. You need rest." Mysterion tries to protest but everyone yells, telling him he needs to rest and he eventually gives in. He lays down on a makeshift bed and rests for a while. Though he can't wait to get back up, he needs to find Butters, he needs to make sure he is ok. While he waits he watches the news and sees how everyone thinks he's dead. He needs to tell Butters he's not and quickly, cause even though he does not know, he can feel something bad is about to happen.


Butters was packing stuff up in a bag, getting ready to run away. He can't do it anymore, he wanted revenge but he need to get away from his horrible parents first. He opens the window and climbs out. He carefully climbs on the roof and jumps off into a bush below with his stuff. He then carefully makes his way past his house, making sure his parents did not see him, and then runs off, fast.

He runs till he sees the woods, 'Thank god it didn't take long!' he thinks as he runs into it. He runs and runs for hours until he finds a clearing.

He stops a sits down. He puts his stiff down and rests up against a tree, " were the only one who cared....other than....Kenny..Kenny!!" he gets up, "K-Kenny! I almost forgot! Kenny!!" he runs out the woods and to Kenny's house, "Ken-" he stops as he sees a poster. It was of Kenny, on a missing poster, "Kenny....your..gone boyfriend and friend....both gone...." he looks closer, "Missing for two this number if found." Butters is quiet, "I....I was really just born to be tortured....well there is no one left...." he goes back to the clearing in the woods and sits down, "Just my luck...." Butters bowls his fists in rage, "This town is horrible!! It takes everything from me!!! I'm done!!" he grabs his suitcase and pulls out his costume, "I was going to wait awhile but I guess I'm doing it now! I can't wait anymore!" he puts it on, "Mysterion....Kenny....this is for you guys...."


Kenny was still watching the news, waiting, when he saw something, and the people in the news did to. It was....smoke..and more smoke....and more. More and more smoke came up, clouding the sky intil-BOOM!!

There was a huge explosion! The square was destroyed and people were screaming. Then suddenly there was another explosion and another. And then, there, in the middle of all the explosions, was Professor Choas, smiling, laughing, happy.

Kenny got up and ran, even though everyone in his group tried to stop him he fought back and ran! He had to get there before people got hurt or even worse died. He had to get there....before Butters died....he had to. He would not allow Butters to get hurt! He wouldn't! And he would make sure he didn't!

-How ya'll like it?

-Word count: 817

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