Meeting Sorla

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Kai tried to use his fire to warm us up, but it didn't work because Aspheera had stolen his powers. 

Suddenly we hear some growls. There was a pack of gray wolves with blue eyes. We tried to run, but they were really fast. Lloyd wasn't looking so he bumped into a tree and we had to go back to get him. The wolves were in front of us. 

"Why aren't they attacking?" Cole asked. 

"I don't know. It's really creepy," Jay said and they ran away. 

That was weird. 

"Let's go before they come back," Lloyd said. 

We were walking when we saw people frozen in ice. I felt bad for them, I wonder how this happened. The people had blue eyes and their hearts were still beating. 

The tracking device made a beep.

“Lloyd, I just picked up a faint signal from the mech,” Nya said. 

“Where?” Cole asked. 

“That way, East!” Nya said, pointing East. 

“What about all these people? We can’t just leave them like this! They're still alive!” Jay said, his eyes growing bigger as he said the last sentence. 

“There is nothing we can do for them now. We don’t even know what happened,’ Lloyd said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

What Lloyd was saying was right. But, I wish I could do something about this. 

“We have to keep moving, it’ll be dark soon. We can come back and help them when we figure out about what happened,” Nya said. 
Jay nodded and sighed. 

We all started walking towards the East side. Until Nya stopped and we all stopped behind her. 

“The signal is very faint. Must be some interference or something,” Nya said. 

“It must be the extreme weather,” I said. 

We soon heard some growls and noticed it was the wolves again. Why do they come towards us?

“Oh great,” Nya said. 

“I’m getting a little tired of this!” Kai said, getting into a fighting stance. 

“Yeah and I think I’m done running. What do you say guys?” Cole asked. 

The wolves were coming closer to us. 

“Here they come!” Jay said. 

They all wore their masks, but me. I felt a little left out, but I just kept my fighting stance, ready to fight.

The wolves were running towards us and Lloyd hit a wolf with a ball of energy. The wolf jumped on Lloyd and he thought quickly and threw the wolf in the snow. 

Jay shot some lightning at them and the wolf hit Nya. I picked the wolf by its legs and twirled it and then threw it very far away. 

Nya tried to use her powers but it didn’t work. I think it was because we were in the snow. I noticed a wolf trying to get Nya and Kai was telling her to use her water, but it was all frozen. Suddenly, a few arrows shot at the wolf and it ran away. All the wolves followed.

There were three people in navy blue. Two men and one woman. They had stern looks on their faces. The woman told us to follow them and so we did. I don’t know why we were trusting a stranger. But, if it takes us to Zane, so be it. 

We walked on a frozen lake which was really hard and then into a village. We walked into a wooden house. There was an old woman in there, maybe the village chief. 

“Come, come, warm yourselves,” the old woman said. 

Kai ran in and everyone followed. 
“Thank you, thank you,” Kai said. 

“Oh this feels good!” Jay said. 

“Who are you? What is this place?” Nya asked, looking around. 

There was a large fireplace in the middle of the house and I was enjoying it. But, only if Zane was here. 

“Oh, this is my home! I am Sorla, the people of Great Lake. Who are you? Where do you come from?" Soria asked. 

"Far away," Lloyd said. 

"Beyond the forest?" Sorla asked. 

Lloyd nodded with sadness.

"Beyond the mountains?" Sorla asked. 

"Yes," Lloyd said, getting up. 

We could hear many of the villagers talking about us. 

"We come from, from a place called Ninjago. We are looking for a friend of ours, his name is Zane," Lloyd said. 

When he said Zane’s name I felt my throat getting dry. 

"We have seen no one for many years. We are the last people on the ice. The others have all fled South, soon we too must go. The cold grows too strong, the ice too thick. But, perhaps Sorla can help, look, come, look into the Hearth Fire," Sorla said, throwing something in the fire and it turned green.

Lloyd sat back down as we all stared in shock. I have never seen green fire. 

"Tell me again the name of your friend," Sorla said, I wondered what she was going to do. 

"Zane," Lloyd said. 

"And from the place which he came," Sorla said.

"Ninjago," Nya said. 

"Show us, spirits of the Earth, spirits of the lake, show us the faith of Zane from Ninjago," Sorla said. 

The fire showed us a castle with ice around it. I could hear the villagers making remarks about the castle of ice and the emperor. What emperor? 

"I am sorry for your loss," Sorla said. 

"What do you mean by that? What happened to my Zane?!" I asked, tears escaping my eyes. 

Nya hugged me tightly to calm me down. 

"I'm sorry, but you can't save your friend. He has been taken prisoner by the Ice Emperor. For decades he has ruled this realm, crushing all who stand in his way. His ice castle is on the other side of the mountains. It is a foul place where the ice is corrupt. We do not go," Sorla said. 

This meant Zane would never come back, he would never come back to me. Never!

"Zane is there, in this ice castle?" Sorla nodded as Lloyd asked,"Can you show us the way?" 

"You can not, it is too cold. The ice there is evil, dark ice. No one goes there, but the emperor and his blizzard samurai. And they are inhuman! Only a fool would go there. Your friend is lost," Sorla said. 

I felt a pain in my heart. This couldn't be true! No matter what, I was going to go there and save Zane! 

"No, I refuse to believe that, Zane is strong. I know him and he will never give up on us! And we're not going to give up on him!" Lloyd said, as well all got up. 

"Yeah, if you think we're not fools then you got another thing coming," Cole said. 

"Ninja never quit!" Nya said. 

"Do all of you speak as one?" Sorla asked. 

"We speak as one," Lloyd said, looking at us. 

"Your friend is very fortunate, but be warned the emperor's general, Vex, sees many things. The dark ice serves him. If he knows you are here, he will warn the emperor," Sorla said. 

"Vex?" Lloyd said. 

"He will send his samurai, they fear nothing, they fear nothing. They will come for you," Sorla said. 

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Again, slow updates, stay tuned and I will see you in the next chapter!

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