Starts with L and ends with E?

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We went to the throne room and we sat on our thrones. 

"What was it that you had to tell me, Vex?" Zane asked. 

"It is time for war," Vex said. 

War?! Already? I looked up at Zane, waiting for him to change his decision. 

Zane sighed,"get out the weapons." 

No! I looked at Zane pleading, but he still hasn't changed his decision. Zane got up and got ready to fight. 

"My Empress, wait here," Zane said. 

"But, I want to go, too," I whined. 

"No, it is way too dangerous for you to go," Zane said. 

"Fine, just promise me that you will make it back to me," I said. 

The emperor looked shocked like nobody has ever said that to him. 

"I promise," he said. 

I hugged him tight, but I didn't feel him hug me back. He just stood there frozen. Maybe this was his first time. I kissed him on the cheek and he left. He looked back at me and I smiled. 

Ice Emperor's P.O.V: 

I have never felt what P.I.X.A.L has done to me before. I don't know what it is called, but all I know is that it starts with a L and ends with an E. 

When P.I.X.A.L kissed me on the cheek. I felt something different. I felt like I should just stop and stay back to where it's only us and nobody else. Not Vex, not anybody. But, duty comes first. 

I was standing in my position with Vex next to me, threatening the villagers. I saw some familiar looking people; they were nothing like the villagers. One was in red, the other in blue, another in black, and a girl in blue and gray. 

I was thinking about P.I.X.A.L when I felt some liquid spill on me and my vision went bright and then black.  

P.I.X.A.L’s P.O.V: 

As I was pacing through the throne room I was thinking about Zane. My jewelry was making a lot of noise as I walked, but something louder came crashing through the throne room doors. It was Vex. He looked sad. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"The emperor," Vex said. 

"What about him?!" I asked, he was quiet and he looked at the ground, "Answer Me!" I yelled. 

375 words

What happened to Zane?

In the comments, what do you think is the word that Zane was thinking about, but doesn't know what it is. Hint: Starts with L and ends with E.

I hope you enjoyed and I will see you all later! SEE YA!

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