Getting Dressed

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Once they were gone, the emperor walked down the stairs towards me. I was nervous of what he was going to do. 

"You may be asking why I wanted you to rule by my side," he said. 

I nodded. I was too nervous to say anything. 

"Well it is because I think I have fallen in l-ll-oo-v-ugh, I like you," The Ice Emperor said. 

I felt myself blushing. Even if Zane was in a different form he would still like me. 

"Zane.." I was saying as I placed a hand on his cheek. 

"Don't call me Zane!" The Ice Emperor yelled. 

I drew back, I was too afraid. 

"I'm-I'm so-rry. It's just that I am not Zane, I am the Ice Emperor, the ruler of the Never-Realm!" Zane said, in honor. 

At least he apologized. 

"I understand," I said, looking down. 

Deep down I knew it was Zane but he just didn't want to admit it. 

"How about you get dressed and we announce you as the empress," the Ice Emperor said. 

I nodded and walked out of the throne room as some ladies helped me get to a room to change in. They brought in many accessories and a dress. 

They first told me to wear the dress so I went into the dressing room to wear it. The top of the dress was ice blue and the bottom was soft and white. 

They gave me a white cape that was really soft. It was meant to protect me from the cold. I wore it and the dress was uncomfortable, but it looked really pretty. 

Next, they gave me earrings that were made out of ice so I wore them. They were very long. 

They did my hair and put a veil on top of it. The veil was meant to keep my beauty safe from the rest of the empire, but only Zane can see me. They covered my face with the veil so that only my eyes could be seen. They took a long time to situate everything. 

Once everything was done I went outside to the throne room where the ladies told me to go. There was only Zane in there. 

He stared at me in awe and I smiled even though he couldn't see it. 

Zane came down the stairs and snapped. Suddenly, some guards came in with an ice necklace. It was really beautiful. The guards left and Zane put the necklace on me. 

"You look beautiful," Zane said. 

"Thank you," I smiled. 

Zane took off my veil on my face and looked at me. I blushed dark purple. And he soon put a hand on my cheek. I have waited for this moment in years!! Only if Zane was not the Ice Emperor. 

467 words

Short Chapter, but a great amount of Pixane fluff! I hope you enjoyed!

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