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Soon everyone left and I looked up at Zane. He still had a serious look on his face. I got up and climbed the stairs to his throne. He looked at me. He didn't have the same expression as before when he first saw me in the dress. 

"What is wrong, Za--my Emperor?" I asked, placing a hand on his. 

"Nothing," he sighed. 

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me about it," I said. 

"Yes," Zane said. 

"Well I have always learned to share your feelings with someone else because it will help you feel better," I said. 

"There is going to be a war, but I just don't feel it is right. Vex tells me that it is the best decision I can ever make," Zane said. 

"Well that doesn't seem like much of your decision," I said. 

"You're right, but I already said that we will do it and the Ice Emperor never backs from his word," he said. 

I knew this wasn't right, but there was nothing I could do about it. I went down the stairs and sat on my throne again. I sat down and stared at the throne room. This was really boring. 

I started to count all the weird looking ice and then I got really bored. 

"Za--my Emperor," I said. Why was it so hard for me to call him the Ice Emperor? 

"Yes, my Empress," Zane said. 

"Don't you get bored here just staring at the throne room?" I asked. 

"Come to think about it, I do," he said. 

"Can we do something fun then?" I asked. 

"Fun? What is that?" Zane asked. 

"Well fun is when you are enjoying something or you are feeling amused or lighthearted," I responded. 

"What would be something that we can do that would be considered fun?" Zane asked. 

"You really want to know?" I asked.

He nodded. 

"Follow me," I said. 

I got up. I was about to run out of here when I remembered I was wearing a dress and heavy jewelry. I ended up slipping on the stairs, but Zane caught me. I stared into his icy blue eyes as he started into my emerald green ones. 

"Your eyes are beautiful," Zane said. 

I blushed and said,"thank you." 

Zane let go of me and I carefully went outside of the castle as Zane followed me. This was going to be great! 

I picked up a snowball and threw it at Zane wondering if he was going to yell at me. He looked mad, but then he smiled. 

He picked up a snowball and threw it at me. 

"You can never beat me, I am the master of ice," Zane laughed. 

"We will see about that," I said, making shelter and many snowballs. 

We kept throwing snowballs at each other until we both fell on the snow laughing so hard. This was the first time I saw the Ice Emperor laugh. We laid down next to each other and Zane held my hand. I looked at him and he smiled. I smiled back. 

"What in the Never-Realm are you doing, Your Highness?!" Vex asked, angrily. 

I stopped smiling to look at Vex. Zane got up and helped me up as well. We looked at Vex in anger and Zane looked at him sternly. 

"I was just having fun," Zane said. 

"Fun?! An emperor can't have fun! I think this girl has had a bad effect on you," Vex yelled, taking my hand.

I tried to let go, but his grip was so hard. 

"Let her go!" Zane yelled. 


"I said LET HER GO!!" Zane shouted. 

Vex let me go and I went to Zane.

"Your Highness, I have something important to tell you so please come to the throne room," Vex said.

636 words

I wonder what important stuff Vex has to tell the Ice Emperor?

I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in the next chapter.

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