The Offer

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Vex's P.O.V:

This was unbelievable! What type of offer was the emperor giving to that peasant girl. I know, I can just not tell her the offer. But, the emperor would find out and punish me. But, what if I just tell him that she said no. I can do that, but what if the emperor goes to her in anger and she tells the emperor the truth and I get in trouble. 

I can't take chances, I have to be honest for this one. I walked in the long hallways until I reached the dungeons. I looked for the cell she was in and I found it! P.I.X.A.L’s cell. 

I went inside the cell and saw the girl tearing up in the corner. Stupid humans who can’t even handle some whips. 

"The Ice Emperor has an offer for you," I said, in a very deep voice. 

P.I.X.A.L’s P.O.V:

"What offer," I asked as I wiped my tears. 

"The Ice Emperor wants you to be…" he took a deep breath,"the Empress."

"The Empress?! You mean like rule by his side?" I asked. 


"But, why me?" I asked, I had so many questions. 

"He will tell you only if you agree," Vex huffed. 

I thought about it. I can't do this. He's not the Zane that I used to know. He isn't my Zane any longer. 

"I decline," I said with lots of thought. 

Vex looked very happy and he left my cell. Did I make the right choice? 

Vex's P.O.V: 

I was so happy that she said no. This way I will still be able to be the emperor's right hand man. I walked over to the throne room which felt miles away. 

P.I.X.A.L’S P.O.V: 

Maybe I should tell Lloyd about what happened. But, how will I manage to do that? I have a plan actually. There were two Blizzard Warriors in front of my cell that looked like the have dropped there brain. 

"Hey, you two, come here," I whispered. 

"Huh, us?" One of them asked. 

I nodded. 

They cam closer to the cell and I whispered to them. 

"You guys want to know what I found," I smiled. 


"You guys have to come and see first," I said as they opened the cell and came in. 

"What is it?" 

I leaded them to the corner where I usually stayed and bumped their heads against each other. They fell to the ground, fainted and I quickly to the keys in the samurai's pocket. I unlocked the cell and ran out trying to look for Lloyd’s cell. 

Vex's P.O.V: 

I entered the throne room with a bright smile across my face. The emperor looked at me in curiosity. 

I opened my mouth so happy to tell him the news, but I tried to keep my tone into my normal one. 

"She said no," I said, trying to hide my smile. 

"How dare she?! Nobody says no to me! Bring her here!" The emperor yelled. 

"Yes, Your Highness," I said, as I walked out of the throne room with a smile. 

I told some Blizzard Samurai to go get the girl. 

P.I.X.A.L’s P.O.V: 

I was running until I found the cell with Lloyd in it. 

"Lloyd! Lloyd!" I whispered so nobody can hear me. 

"P.I.X.A.L?! How did you escape?" Lloyd asked. 

"I have my ways, but I have to tell you something really important," I said. 

"First get me out of here," Lloyd said. 

I tried to open his cell with the one key that I had, but it didn't work. 

"It won't work," I said. 

"You can get me out of here later. Tell me what you needed to tell me," Lloyd said. 

"Ok, the emperor wants me to be the empress," I said. 

"What?!" Lloyd yelled, but then he quickly covered his mouth. 

"Yes, but I declined his offer," I said. 

"Why? You could've manipulated him with your love and brought him back to be our Zane," Lloyd said. 

He was right. 

"I never thought about that. I will tell Vex," I said, running off the the direction where my cell was. 

"Good luck!" I heard Lloyd yelled from behind me. 

Vex's P.O.V:

The Blizzard Warriors were telling me that they couldn't find the girl in the cell so I decided to go check in the cell myself. She truly wasn't there and instead there were two Blizzard Warriors laying on the ground unconscious. 

I grew angry. How did she escape?! 

That's when I heard some footsteps. I was the girl. 

"GET HER!!" I commanded. 

P.I.X.A.L’S P.O.V: 

I was about to tell Vex about the offer when he sent his Blizzaed Warriors towards me. They held me tight and one pulled my hair as we walked into the throne room. 

The emperor looked at us and then I noticed his eyes meet mine. There was a feeling. 

"How dare you try to escape!! How dare you decline my offer!!" The Ice Emperor yelled. 

"Look, I can explain.." I was about to do as I said when Vex cut me off. 

"She can explain nothing emperor, she is just a waste of my time, I mean your time of course," Vex said. 

I am a waste of nobody's time. 

"Let her talk!" The emperor commanded. 

"I escaped my cell for a great reason, but I promise you I wasn't trying to leave. I want to rule by your side," I said with a smile on my face.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Vex stare at me in anger. 

The Ice Emperor looked at me and then he sent the Blizzard Warriors out of the room, even Vex. 

What will happen with the Ice Emperor and P.I.X.A.L in the throne room alone?!

Well great news, Spring Break has started for me for 2 weeks well after today! That means I get to update this book more and write another book if I can. Thank you!

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