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"Take a look yourself," Vex said. 

I noticed Blizzard Warriors picking up Zane’s body and placing him in the middle of the throne room.

"Zane!" I cried as I ran to his lifeless body. 

"His name is not.." Vex was about to say something, but I interrupted him. 

"SHUT UP!!" I shouted and tears poured out of my eyes like a waterfall,"How Did This Happen?!" 

"One of the villagers spilled a potion at him. Likely the potion to take his life forever," Vex said.

I looked at Vex in shock and then at Zane. I placed a hand on his cheek and the other under his head. 

"Why did you have to leave me? You promised me you would come back to me," I cried. 

"I believe there is only one way to stop this. Only true love can stop this," Vex said. 

Like in fairy tales. 

"What do I need to do?" I asked. 

"All he needs is a true love's kiss," Vex said. 

I looked at Zane and how lifeless he looked. I knew what I had to do so I slowly moved my face closer to his and our lips connected. 

I really hope this works. 

I let go of the kiss and looked at him. I noticed his finger moving and then his arm and then his whole body. His eyes opened and I could see his icy blue eyes again. 

"Zane!!" I cried, hugging him. 

I thought he was going to yell at me, but instead he hugged me back. 

"P.I.X.A.L! I missed you so much!" Zane said. 

This time it wasn't the Ice Emperor saying this, but instead it was Zane. 

We let go of the hug and I looked at Zane. His helmet was off and I could finally see him again. His titanium hair was the same and his titanium skin. 

I hugged him again and started crying. 

"Zane, you don't know how long I have waited for this day!" I cried. 

"I'm sorry," Zane apologized. 

"It wasn't your fault," I said. 

We let go of the hug and we looked at each other for a long time until our lips connected. We stayed like that for a long time. I missed this so much! 

*Some time later* 

Zane and I were in the monastery in each other’s arms. Of course Vex got his punishment and Akita met her brother Kataru who was the boy next to Lloyd. Everything was back to normal. And Zane and I spent every moment together, just like we used to. 

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The End! I hope you really enjoyed this book! You can check out my other books as well (if u want) Also, I am starting a new book called 'I Fell in Love with a Criminal.'

Thank you so much! 

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