The Pain

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This is a little dark. So, I am warning you. Also, THIS IS NOT A LEMON!!

I sat in the dark cell in the corner. I couldn't keep track of time, I didn't know if it was night. I just cried until I cried more until I cried even more. It was never-ending. 

Vex came to my cell and passed me a tray of food. I didn't feel like eating so I just pushed it away. 

"You better eat it. It's especially from the emperor," Vex said. 

Why would I get a meal especially from the emperor? I took a little bite and it was cold. I watched Vex leave and threw the plate across the cell and cried even more. Until I felt sleepy. 

*The Next Morning* 

My eyes opened. It felt like my usual time to wake up. I saw another tray of food. I threw it with the other tray. I hated this. 

I heard the sound of footprints getting closer. I sat in the corner trying not to make contact with anyone. I heard my cell open. What was happening? 

"Get up!" One of the Blizzard Warriors yelled. 

I got up, intimidated. 

"One can not disobey the emperor. You will be punished for not eating what the emperor had sent you," the other Blizzard Warrior yelled. 

What was the punishment? They told me to go on my knees and so I did. I felt my shirt being pulled up, what was going on?! They threw my shirt in the corner and I felt the cold breeze brush through my skin. I shivered. 

I felt them unstrap my bra and it was thrown to the corner as well. The warriors splashed the ground with their whips. Before I knew it, the warriors started to hit me on the back. Their cold whips slapped my back and the pain was irresistible. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I let out a painful cry. 

Ice Emperor's P.O.V:

I heard a cry coming from the cells. This wasn't any normal cry, it was the cry from the girl. I got up from my throne and walked over to the dungeons. I went to the cell the girl was kept in. I wanted to know her name. 

I went over to her cell and saw her being whipped. I felt something weird, like I had to save her. I ignored the feeling. I went to Vex and told him to tell me the name of the girl and find out some information about her. 

P.I.X.A.L’s P.O.V: 

My cell opened again and I recognized the voice of the cold Samurai. It was Vex. The Blizzard Warriors stopped splashing me and I heard Vex saying something about the Ice Emperor wanting to know some information. 

Vex stayed behind me and said,"Here's the drill, give us some information about you and we'll let you go or else you will get 100 more whip splashes." 

I just nodded to the first option. I couldn't speak, the crying was in the way. 

I heard them whisper again. 

"Just a few more whip splashes to go through, get the information and inform me soon," Vex said, leaving the cell. 

"What is your name?" One of the Blizzard Warriors said. 


Finally something came out of my mouth. I felt a sharp pain on my back. 

"What is the green boy's name?" The Blizzard Warrior asked. 


Another whip splash hit me on my bare back. I let out another cry. 

"What is Lloyd to you?" The Blizzard Warrior asked. 

"A friend." 

I let out another cry and the Blizzard Samurai whipped me. 

"You're done," they said and left. 

I cried as I put my head in my hands. Why would Zane do this to me?! 

Ice Emperor's P.O.V: 

Vex came up to me. 

"The girl's name is P.I.X.A.L, the boy's name is Lloyd, and Lloyd is just a friend to P.I.X.A.L," Vex said. 

"Great! Tell P.I.X.A.L I have an offer for her," I said. 

"What offer?" Vex asked. 

673 words

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