Finding Out the Secret

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Lloyd and the wolf are following the tracker's signal to find Zane and the Titan Mech. I follow them and my plan seems to be working. 

Lloyd starts to tell the wolf about his dad. Why?! 

"So yeah, that's my dad. Garmadon, Lord of Destruction, King of Shadows. I wouldn't normally confide this stuff to someone I just met, but I can tell you. You're just a wolf," he chuckled.

"Haha. It's kinda nice to be able to get this off my chest actually. But I can't keep calling you 'Wolf'. You ought to have a real name. Hmm. How about Rover?" Lloyd said. 

The wolf gives him an unamused look, looks away and barks.

"Hmm, don't like that, huh? Uh, how about, uh, Buster? Buddy? Nah, those don't fit. What about Red? You get it? Because, you know, this?" He said, pointing to his cheek where his markings are. He barks in agreement.

"We're making progress, Red!" Lloyd said.

The tracker starts beeping and Lloyd takes it out to examine it. He pulls up the antennae.

"The mech's signal is getting stronger. This way!" Lloyd said, they ran off towards the mech. I followed them, trying not to make them hear my footsteps in the snow.

"We're getting close, Red," Lloyd said, but he stops walking and whimpers. He barks and Lloyd finally turns around.

"What's the matter? Look, I gotta go this way. Are you coming or not?" Lloyd asked.

Red barked warily and sat down.

"Come on, please?" Lloyd asked. 

I wonder why he was so scared. 

He snorts and follows. They walk on for some time until Red steps on something. He whimpers when he sees the bones, he barks to warn Lloyd.

"What is it? Bones? What happened here?" Lloyd asked. 

A shadow flies over us. What?!

"What was that?!" Lloyd asked. 

An Ice bird dives in from behind. Lloyd ducks down. It soars back up, screeching, and it dives for them again.

"Run!" Lloyd yelled. 

They sprint off and duck behind some rocks. I tried to hide, but it looked like Lloyd spotted me. Oh no! 

The Ice bird flies up to a cliff and breaks some rocks off it. Red dodges them, but one of the rocks tumbles towards him and Lloyd blasts them with his Energy.

"Red! You alright?" Lloyd asked. 

They run for cover. I ran behind them. Lloyd already spotted me so I don't care. The bird lands down and tries to peck at Lloyd. 

He leaps up and sprints off, but the bird grabs Lloyd's pack and shakes him. Red stops to see the Ice bird slowly flying off to make a meal for him.

"Ahh! Get off me!" Lloyd screams as Red barks and runs over a ledge and pounces on the bird's head. 

Blinded, the bird drops Lloyd. Red lands down and looks up to see Lloyd falling.


He jumps across, catching him, and lands on another rock. He runs off with the eagle chasing after them.

"There! A cave!" Lloyd yelled, I followed him, a little behind him. 

The bird's claws knock Lloyd off Red. He gets up and sprints for the cave. As the bird closes in, he leaps into the cave, I behind him. Red barks at the Ice bird. It lands down at the entrance and screeches angrily at us. Red drags Lloyd back, while the bird examines them, before flying off. 

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