Fire Maker

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I'm really sorry I took a long time to update, but school is stressful and I really didn't have the time. But, here I am and I hope you enjoy!

We were taken out of the little wooden house. I sat down on the snow in tears. Nya had left me because she had other things to do and I just didn't know how I would be able to get Zane back. 

That's when I realized Lloyd stayed with Sorla. I wonder what they are talking about. I walked over to the door and started to hear their conversation even though I knew it was bad, it was for my Zane. And I will do anything for him. 

"Your friend, Zane, is imprisoned here. In the Ice Emperor's castle. There are only two paths through the mountains. This is the safest," I hear her tapping on something, maybe it was a map. 

"A pass?" Lloyd asked. 

"In the Old Tongue, it's called Mala-Wojira," Sorla said.

"Mala-Wojira?" Lloyd asked. 

"Wojira's Wrath. But you must be careful. You cannot make a sound in this place. You cannot speak or whisper. Even your footfalls must be like a gentle breeze," Sorla said. 

It is great that I am getting some information. 

"Why?" Lloyd asked. 

"If you make a sound, Wojira will strike you down," Sorla said. 

"Okay... but what is it?" Lloyd asked. 

Sorla demonstrated Wojira's Wrath. 

"Okay!" Lloyd said, taking the map and rolling it up,"great, well, I guess we'll just be quiet." 

He was about to come out and ran to where I was before. I knew I needed that map, but how will I be able to get it? 

I was sitting on the snow and thinking when I heard Uthaug and Boma screaming. I quickly went where the rest were.

"Alarm! Alarm! They're coming!" Uthaug said as everyone started surrounding him and Boma,"Blizzard Samurai! On the march!"

"Heading for our village! We saw them coming down the pass!" Boma said. 

"I heard them first. Boma's hearing isn't as good as m—" Uthaug said, oh no they are going to start arguing again. 

"Don't start that again!" Boma said. 

"Boma! Uthaug! Are you sure you saw this? You saw them?" Sorla asked,Boma and Uthaug looked at each other and then they nodded,"Gather the elders. There's no time to lose."

We all went to Sorla's house to discuss what we are going to do next. 

The elders were starting to mutter. 

"What if he... must consider?"

"What do we do? The pass is only a few hours away".

"We have to hide. We must abandon the village."

"And leave the Fire behind? Are you mad?"

"What choice do we have? I say we hide in the village of the Formlings."

"I won't go there! Not after what happened. That place is cursed!" 

They started to fight again! 

"It is the only option."

"We cannot abandon the Fire. The Fire is life! We must protect it," Sorla said. 

"I don't understand. Can't you just light another? You know, with matches? Or something?" Kai asked and then the elders started whispering

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