Reaching the Ice Castle

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Meanwhile, Lloyd is on his Titan Mech holding Akita and I. We come across a big glacier we have to cross to get to the castle.

"There it is," Lloyd said. 

Akita shape shifts back into her human form.

"What are we waiting for?" Akita asked. 

"It's gonna be dark soon. We'll have a better chance of crossing the glacier by daylight," Lloyd said. 

"I agree," I said. 

As night falls, Akita, Lloyd, and I sit by the lantern, trying to get warm.

"When you have rescued your friend Zane, what will you do?" Akita asked. 

I looked at Lloyd. For me, I would never let him leave me ever again and I will spend the most time I can with him. 

"Go back to Ninjago, if there's a way. What about you?" Lloyd asked. 

"I do not know. The forest is my home," Akita said. 

"Maybe you can come with us!" Lloyd said. 

"Do you have Formlings in Ninjago?" Akita asked. 


"Then I would be alone there, too," Akita said. 

You wouldn't be alone! You'd be with us! We have a really cool Monastery, video games, a hot tub, uh, there's just these chickens you have to watch out for," Lloyd said as Akita and I laughed.

Akita sniffs the air.

"What is it?" Lloyd asked. 

"Something is coming," Akita said, transforming back into her wolf form. Lloyd jumps back into his mech and starts it up. I hop onto its hand. 

We spot Boreal flying back to the castle. Lloyd presses the mech against the wall and Boreal passes by. Lloyd sighs, relieved, but then it turns back around. Akita growls, alerting him.

Lloyd looked up, surprised. 

"Gah! Akita, get behind me! P.I.X.A.L hold on!" Lloyd said. 

He activates the slicer and places it in front of him. Boreal blasts his ice out, but Lloyd blocks the ice and reflects it back. Boreal screeches and flies up. He roars and blasts his ice around Lloyd, trapping the mech. Akita barks at Lloyd, but Boreal lands on the ice and prepares to freeze her.

I couldn't do anything because I was frozen on the hand of the mech. 

Akita dodges the ice, leaps under the dragon, and snarls. Lloyd manages to break the mech free of the ice. Boreal tries to freeze him, but Lloyd covers its mouth and throws it to the ground. Boreal swings his tail at him and tries to fly away. But Lloyd grabs its leg and it freezes the right hand of the mech. Boreal soars into the air, dragging him along.

"No! Not good, not good!" Lloyd said. 

"Lloyd!! Do something!! I wouldn't be able to hold on for long!" I yelled. 

Warning: Hull integrity at 40%.

Boreal dives down and continues dragging the mech.


Akita runs toward Boreal.

20%. Warning, warning. Hull integrity: 10%.

"I can count down to my own impending doom, thank you!" Lloyd said.

He sees that Boreal is trying to crash him into a wall. Lloyd tries to slow down by dragging the mech on ice. The frozen ice on the mech starts breaking, but Boreal throws the mech into the wall and flies up. The mech gets destroyed and Lloyd climbs out, injured. I got smacked in the ice. I picked up the fingers of the mech and got out. My arm was injured, but I didn't need to be weak at this time. 

Boreal lands down and crawls toward Lloyd and I to freeze us. Akita runs up its spine and closes its mouth. Boreal tosses her against the wall, injuring her. 

Boreal grabs Lloyd and I heads toward the Ice Castle. Akita transforms back into her human form and watches helplessly.

At the front of the castle, Vex and two Blizzard Warriors are waiting for us. Boreal drops Lloyd and I 

"Pick them up," Vex said, they pick Lloyd and I up.

Vex inspects us before dragging him inside. In the throne room, Grimfax guards the Emperor and he wakes up. The two warriors drop us. Lloyd groans and opens his eyes, trying to bring his focus in the room. I look up at the Ice Emperor. It was so cold here that a cold breeze was brushing the scar on my arm. 

"My Emperor, behold, the strangers of this realm," Vex said. 

The Emperor gets off his throne and makes his way down the steps.

The Emperor looked oddly familiar. Lloyd looked at me and I looked at the Ice Emperor a little more carefully this time. 

The Emperor had a scroll encased in ice. I realized that the Scepter is really a naginata with a Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu frozen and that the Ice Emperor is Zane!

"Zane?" Lloyd asked. 

789 words

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