Akita's Story

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Akita, Lloyd, and I sit around the lantern. She tells us of her tribe before Vex came. 

"My story begins long ago. A time before the Long Winter. A time when our realm was still lush and green. A time... before I lost everything. We lived and worked in the forest, together, happily. We were Formlings, and we lived in peace. And at the end of the day, we returned to our village. It was a beautiful place, built deep in the forest. It was my home. But my brother and I, being younglings, had not yet found our animal forms. And despite what I told my brother, I was nervous," Akita said. 

"What is it? Don't tell me you're still nervous?" Akita's brother said. 


"I can see it in your eyes," Kataru said. 

"Well, I cannot help it. What if something goes wrong? And I do not find my animal form? The Choosing is a week away. What if I am not ready?" Akita asked. 

Kataru tosses a snowball up and down.

"You are ready. All who are pure of heart find their animal form," Kataru said. 

Akita smashes his snowball with hers.

"Not all."

That was a long time ago. And it only happened once. Trust me, we will both find our animal forms. And we will run together in the forests all day and night. You'll see," Kataru said, trying to give Akita some hope.

"The week passed, but my anxiety did not," Akita told us. 

Akita and Kataru approach before the Formling Leader. He dips his hand into face paint and marks their faces with distinctive whiskers. The tribe gasps and Akita turns to see Vex.

"Ah, just in time for another Choosing," Vex said, making his way through the villagers. "Such a brutal, savage tradition. And what will you do with these innocent children if their animal form does not come to them? Will you reject them? As you did me?" Vex asked. 

"We did not reject you, Vex. Your exile was of your own choosing," the leader said. 

"Lies. When I did not find my form, you turned against me. All of you. You mocked me in secret, you whispered behind my back. Vex, the pathetic. Vex, the shameful. Vex the Formless," Vex said. 

"That is your fear speaking. You distrust the world, Vex. You see the worst even when it does not exist," the leader said. 

"I have had years to dwell on your betrayal. Years of resentment, alone, in the Wilds, and I realize now, it is time for your power to end. In my journeys, I have discovered a power that dwarfs your Formling abilities. an elemental power. You can bow to me now, willingly, or when I return in force unwillingly. In either event, I will assume my rightful place over you. The choice is yours," Vex said. 

How dare he?! 

"You are a fool, Vex. And we will not abide your threats," the leader said. 

"You will regret this," Vex said. 

Vex returned to the forests from whence he came. And we resumed the Choosing. But I was uneasy. Kataru and I entered the Wilderness, unsure where our journey would take us, fearing that Vex's return was a bad omen. The Choosing must pass in silence. So we did not speak. We waited. And waited. For what, we did not know. A sign, a vision... something to guide us to our animal forms. And everyday, we traveled further into unknown lands. And the further we traveled, the more concerned I became that I would never find my form. That I would turn angry and bitter like Vex, the Formless. 

A spirit comes to Akita and calls her name. 

She gets up and looks over to see Kataru gone. She walks on and finds a tree.

Akita climbs up the tree. She makes it to the top and jumps on the clouds. A cloud path lays out for her and she follows it. A three-tailed wolf spirit weaves around her and leaps through her. The spirit looks back at her and Akita gives chase. She eventually reaches the spirit and leaps into it, taking the form with her.

She finds herself back on land in her wolf form and checks out her reflection in a pond. She then hears a growl and takes stance. A bear leaps out and confronts until he sees the markings on Akita. He then turns to the pond and sees his reflection and hers.

He leaps out of his animal form and Akita does the same. They run and hug each other.) 

"We did it. We found our forms. I told you they would come to us," Kataru said in happiness.

"Ha. I should've guessed you would be a bear. It fits you," Akita said. 

"Because I am so strong?" Kataru asked. 

"Because you are loud, always hungry, and sleep half the year," Akita said as they both laughed.

"And look at you. A wolf. Cunning and sharp. With big teeth," Kataru said. 

"Come on. What are we waiting for? See if you can keep up!" Akita said. 

They race away in their animal forms. Kataru paws snow into her face, playfully, and brings down berries from a tree. They howl and roar to the moon.

"I cannot wait to get back and show the others," Kataru said. 

"You go ahead. I want to go on one more run," Akita said. 

"You have the restlessness of a wolf now," Kataru said as Akita transforms back into her wolf and runs off to howl to the moon. "See you soon, sister," Kataru said. 

She howls and transforms back to her human form and watches the moon. Then, she sees Boreal swoop by her and head for her village.She transforms to her wolf and runs off to the village. She finds it frozen. When she sees her angry leader frozen, she cries. 

None of the villagers can be heard, except for their heartbeat. She turns around and sees the Ice Emperor and Vex watching her from above. She pulls out her dagger and heads for them, but stops when she hears Boreal's roar. Kataru leaps out in front Akita and growls at Boreal. Kataru scratches its wings and it screeches, flying away to take another blow at him.

"Kataru! Run! Please," Akita said, running to him, but Boreal froze the ground and Kataru blocked Akita, covering Kataru with ice and snow.

"No. Kataru," Akita cried. 

She clutches the snow. Tears spill out as she turns to see the Ice Emperor, Vex, and Boreal leave, satisfied. She walks through the frozen village and into the forest.

"I walked out of the village and never looked back. I will not return again until Vex and his master, the Ice Emperor, are brought to justice," Akita said. 

"I had no idea," Lloyd said. 

"I'm sorry," I said. 

"Now you know. And it's not your fault," Akita said. 

"The Ice Emperor captured my friend, Zane. We're going to get him back. Which means we're on the same quest," Lloyd said. 

"Not the same," Akita pulls her dagger from behind. "You seek to rescue your friend," She takes the dagger out of its sheath. "I seek revenge."

1207 words

Again, only posting on the weekends because of school. I hope you are enjoying this so far! It will start to get interesting.

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