Here I Come

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I was following Lloyd when I heard him scream.

One of the frost wolves runs at him, but the white wolf knocks it down. Both of the frost wolves run away.

The white wolf had a red accent and three tails, I have never seen anything like it before. 

"I've never seen a wolf like you before," Lloyd said. 

The wolf growls.

"What do you want? I bet you're hungry. Well, don't even think about it. I fight back," Lloyd said as the wolf whimpers. Lloyd puts away his sword and tosses the fish at him.

"You can eat that, okay? Truce?" Lloyd asked, walking away, checking his map, and stopping at Mala-Wojira.

"Mala-Wojira? 'If you make a sound, Wojira's wrath will strike you down.' Okay. No sound. Quiet as a breeze," Lloyd said, walking. 

I had to stay quiet so I quietly tipp toed behind him. He sneezed and snow fell down behind him. As he walks through the pass, his footfalls become quieter and less snow falls. He stops and lights an energy ball in the fog and gasps at the sight of three Blizzard Samurai. He immediately launches energy balls at them and knocks two of them down

 As he pulls his sword out, a Blizzard Warrior drags him down. They try to freeze him by spreading ice over him. I wanted to help him, but I couldn't let him know I was here. He kicks them back, and does Spinjitzu. More Samurai jump on him, trapping him. Lloyd sees the pass behind them.

"Wojira's wrath? Wojira's wrath!" He yelled. 

What was he doing?! He is going to get both of us stuck here. I had to think of something.

An avalanche caved in and Lloyd jumped away. I woke up to see Lloyd right next to me. The wolf was looking at us. Before Lloyd sees me I have to go. I quickly thanked the wolf and ran to where I could see Lloyd, but he couldn't see me.

Lloyd wakes up later, coughing, and sees the white wolf from before.

"You saved my life. Thank you. My name is Lloyd. What am I doing? I gotta be crazy. You can't understand me," Lloyd said as the wolf jumped up and Lloyd followed him.)

"It's getting colder. We need to find shelter," Lloyd said as the wind slowed down and the Land Bounty was seen. The Land Bounty?!

"I don't believe it! The-the Land Bounty!" Lloyd said, running over and going to the controls. 

I followed and hid in the Land Bounty. 

"P-p-please w-w-work. Oh, what a mess. Scopes are down, systems are fried. This is hopeless," Lloyd said, losing faith. 

He finds an aid kit and a lantern and sits down.

"Even if I rescue Zane from the castle, we still have no way home. What was I thinking? I can't do this alone," Lloyd said. 

He was right. I want to go back home and I want everything to be normal again. The wolf comes in howling 

"Easy for you to howl. You're a wolf," he sighed,"Tomorrow, I go back to the village and make a new plan." 

The wolf lies down and they both go to sleep. I decided to go to sleep as well. I opened up my blanket and fell asleep where nobody could see me. It was really cold and I really wished Zane would be here. 

I woke up at the sound of the beeping from the mech.

"Huh?" I hear Lloyd as he gasps,"What?"

I spotted Lloyd picking up the tracker.

"The mech? Wait! The mech! If it still works, that would give us a chance against the Ice Emperor! What do you say? You in?" Lloyd asked the wolf and she barked excitedly.

"Huh. Awesome! Hang on, Zane! Here we come!" Lloyd said. 

Here I come, my beloved Zane. 

651 words.

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