Chapter 2: Questions

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"A-Are you absolutely sure you didn't leave it on the coffee table?"

I asked with panic and horror as I turned my gaze up to Nathan gaining a concerned and confused head shake from him.

"I am, I put it in my closet before I left for really didn't take it from my room?"

He said in an honest and dumbfounded tone gaining a panicked head shake from me as I stared at him in horror.

"No! I don't have a reason to go in your room! A-And why the hell do you even have this thing?!"

I said with honesty and horror as I looked back at the mirror examining myself staring at the dog ears as well as the fangs.

"When I got home last night after work I found it in the pocket of my coat, I assumed somebody slipped it into my pocket and when I touched it I could tell there was something unnatural about it. I don't know if you remember but I've talked about it a few times over the years, my family has this kinda sixth sense to know if something is cursed."

He said in a curious and honest tone as I continued to stare at myself in the mirror shifting my gaze down to the tag attached to the collar seeing it was no longer blank and instead had my name etched into it causing me to go wide eyed.

"H-How is my name on it?!"

I asked with horror and confusion as I turned to my left looking up at him as he let out an intrigued hum bringing his right hand up between us.

"I have no idea.."

He said in an intrigued and curious tone gently grabbing the tag and leaning down to look at it before looking at my neck curiously.

"Turn around for a sec."

He said in an intrigued tone causing me to hesitantly turn around feeling his hands move my hair feeling the buckle on the back of the collar.

"It's..fused together."

He said in a curious and concerned tone causing me to go wide eyed bringing my hands behind my neck grabbing at the buckle.


I cried with horror and panic as I felt the pin of the buckle was now fully connected to the rest meaning I couldn't take it off.

"It must have done that to ensure the curse takes affect.."

He said in an intrigued and concerned tone as I spun around looking up at him with horror seeing the thoughtful look on his face.

"Stay here, I'll be right back."

He said in a thoughtful tone as he turned around and left the bathroom prompting me to look at myself in the mirror with horror lifting my hair at the sides of my head looking at the smooth skin where my ears should be.

After a few minutes he came back in with a pair of bolt cutters as he stepped behind me and said:

"Can you hold your hair out of the way please."

In a thoughtful tone looking at me in the mirror gaining a frantic nod from me as I pulled all my hair over my right shoulder.

Seeing this he brought the bolt cutters to the buckle where he then tried to cut the pin.

Watching in the mirror I seen him straining every muscle in his arms trying to cut it before hearing metal break causing me to let out a startled yelp as I jumped.

Without a word he moved the bolt cutters to my left showing me that one of the handles had snapped in half causing me to stare horrified and dumbfounded.

"I guess the curse also made it unbreakable.."

He said in a thoughtful and lost tone as I felt him examine the buckle clearly being unaffected by the bolt cutters.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?!"

I cried with horror and panic as I turned around looking up at him gaining a concerned but comforting look from him.

"I don't think there's anything we can do to reverse it..I'm sorry Malia, but it looks like you're stuck like this."

He said in an apologetic and honest tone with a matching expression causing me to stare horrified at him as I thought about it all before a thought popped into my head.

"How am I meant to go to work?! I-I mean people are gonna notice!"

I said with panic and horror as I gestured my hands up at myself causing him to stare at me for a moment as he thought to himself.

"Well..I don't think it'd be a good idea to risk it so, it might be a good idea to call your boss and quit."

He said in a thoughtful and cautious tone as he looked me up and down at everything the curse had done causing me to let out a concerned whimper as I shook my head.

"N-No! I can't just stop working, i-if I do that then we can't split the rent or groceries or-"

I started in a concerned and panicked tone before being softly pulled into his chest causing me to let out a surprised whimper as he hugged me.

"Don't worry about it, we both know I make more than you do even before the raise I got last month."

He said in a soft and reassuring tone as he held me softly rubbing my upper back with his left hand causing me to let out a quiet frustrated whine as I gently held the sides of his shirt.

"Then what do I do?"

I said in a defeated and lost tone as I stood there gaining a soft thoughtful hum from him.

"Well, do whatever you do on your days off I guess..hey can, can I test something?"

He said in a soft and reassuring tone followed by curiosity and intrigue with a small smile on his face prompting me to look up at him questioningly subconsciously tilting my head slightly to the left.

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