Chapter 4: Changes

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The next morning I woke up curled up on my left side with my hands close to my face while my legs were nearly completely curled up to me.

As I laid there letting myself wake up I felt the tail over my shins before realizing that my pillow was wet causing me to sit up and stare at it.

I..drooled? I haven't drooled since I was a baby..

I thought to myself dumbfounded as I stared at the pillow using the back of my left hand to wipe my left cheek and mouth.


I muttered to myself as I wiped my hand on my blanket and stood up from my bed walking out into the hall.

Since Nathan told me he worked today I knew I was home alone as I walked to the kitchen feeling the tag on the collar softly move around as I walked along with the tail softly swaying with each step.

Reaching the fridge I opened it to see a plate of food with cling wrap over it as well as a note on top that said:


Causing me to look at it curiously before taking it out being able to smell that it was sausages and eggs before even taking the cling wrap off.

Guess my sense of smell got heightened..

I thought to myself curiously as I pulled it off the plate tossing it on the counter as I stuck the plate in the microwave.

As I stood there waiting for the microwave I poured myself a glass of apple juice thinking about how much I was going to enjoy the food before feeling the tail wag happily behind me causing me to let out an embarrassed whine as I looked back at it.

"Why! Why do you wag from food?!"

I said in an embarrassed tone before a thought popped into my head as I looked back at the microwave.

Why did he make me breakfast? He doesn't usually do that unless I don't have time to cook for myself.

I thought curiously and confused to myself before jumping slightly from the microwave beeping.

After grabbing my food and drink I went to the couch setting my glass down with my plate on my lap as I turned on the T.V.

As I ate the tail started wagging again causing me to let out an embarrassed whine with a mouthful of food as I looked back over my right shoulder at it watching it wag against the back of the couch.

"Will you stop it!"

I said full of flustered embarrassment before letting out a soft sigh continuing to eat and watch T.V.

After eating I went to my room and got my phone to see if I could find anything online about the cursed collar.

Once I got back to the couch I looked for roughly an hour however found nothing on it.

"Of course.."

I muttered to myself with frustration as I gently tossed my phone onto the coffee table and slumped back against the couch with the tail to my right.

As I sat there I let out an annoyed sigh staring at the T.V. as I tried to understand it all.

At some point I started to feel sleepy so I lied down on my left side facing the T.V. and before long I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was curled up on my belly with my arms and legs curled up underneath me along with the tail curled up between me and the back of the couch.

Letting out a soft groggy groan as I looked at the T.V. I heard:


From Nathan in a curious tone with adoration in his voice behind me causing me to let out a surprised yelp as I used my hands to push myself up looking over my right shoulder to see him sitting on the opposite side of the couch with a smile.

Full of embarrassment I let out a quiet whimper feeling my face turn bright red as I slowly slid my legs out from under me onto the floor.

"H-How long have you been home?"

I asked full of embarrassment looking to my right at him gaining a reassuring smile and look from him.

"A few minutes, seriously though. Is it comfortable to lay like that?"

He said in a soft and reassuring tone with curiosity causing me to stare at him for a moment before shyly nodding.

"Ya..a-and I'm guessing it's because of the curse but I woke up this morning drooling into my pillow."

I said in an embarrassed and honest tone gaining a soft snort from him as he nodded and softly said:

"I can see that."

With amusement and intrigue gesturing down at the couch to my left where my head was causing me to now see the puddle of drool letting out an embarrassed whine.

"I'm sorry..I don't understand why I'm drooling when I never used to."

I said in an embarrassed and confused tone turning my gaze back to him being met by his left hand softly on my head between the ears.

"Well, I mean dogs tend to drool and that collar kinda made you part dog so.."

He said in a soft and thoughtful tone as he started petting my head making me let out an embarrassed whine feeling myself blush even more as I looked at him.

"H-How much like a dog am I gonna become?"

I asked with embarrassment and horror as the tail started wagging against the back of the couch gaining a thoughtful hum from him as he continued softly petting my head.

"I'm not sure, but I promise I'll be here to help how I can."

He said in an honest and reassuring tone with a matching expression causing me to let out a horrified whimper as I dreaded how much I would change.

"S-So I gonna be just a glorified pet for the rest of my life?.."

I asked full of worry and embarrassment as I clutched my skirt in both hands over my lap as the tail curled around my left side and the ears drooped causing him to stop petting my head looking at me with a comforting and sympathetic expression.

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