Chapter 16: Unexpected Visit

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Happily eating the cookie Nathan got me I followed him over to the couch as my tail continued to happily wag behind me before hearing my phone ring prompting me to run to my room questioning who it was.

Picking up the phone I seen it was my friend Taylor who I'd met at work.

Oh shoot!

I thought to myself with panic answering the phone on speaker.


She said in a somewhat loud tone with concern gaining a hesitant whimper from me.

"Uh, h-hey."

I said awkwardly with slight concern as I walked to the couch gaining Nathan's attention.

"Where have you been?! Morgan said you called her one day and quit and no one's heard from you since!"

She said with confusion and worry causing me to let out a nervous laugh looking to Nathan who shrugged just staring.

"Uhm, yeah..sorry about that..I um...had some personal issues with my health."

I said in a hesitant and thoughtful tone gaining a confused grunt from her.

"So you just drop off the face of the earth?! Are you ok?"

She asked with panic and confusion causing me to let out a soft thoughtful whimper.

"I..y-yeah, I'm ok, I'm sorry for disappearing."

I said in an apologetic and thoughtful tone unsure of what to say before hearing a relieved breath from her.

"I'm glad you're ok, but it would've been nice to hear from you still live on that street near work?"

She said with relief and slight annoyance followed by curiosity causing me to let out a worried whimper going wide eyed looking to Nathan who looked just as concerned.

"I-I uh, why?"

I said with worry and concern looking back down at my phone gaining a small scoff from her.

"Cause I'm outside, I wanna make sure you're ok."

She said with honesty and kindness which made my heart skip a beat scared that she'd see me.

"Uhm..I-I appreciate the thought but I've got some nasty bug right now so you shouldn't come near me in case you catch it."

I stuttered out scared stumbling for words gaining an amused breath from her as I heard a door open through the phone.

"Oh, thanks...well someone just let me in and I know you're faking so like it or not I'm coming up."

She said with surprise and gratitude followed by amusement and determination as she walked up the stairs causing me to panic as she ended the call.

"What the hell am I gonna do?!"

I cried with worry and panic as I looked at Nathan feeling my ears flatten and tail curl between my legs.

" hat and a big hoodie?"

He said awkwardly stumbling for ideas causing me to let out a worried whine as I quickly stood up and ran to my room.

Finding a dark purple beret I made sure to tuck my ears into it as I put it on seeing Nathan come in with one of his pullover hoodies that was a navy blue.

Pulling it on I stuffed my tail up the back seeing the hoodie reached my mid thigh and completely enveloped my hands.

Taking a breath we both jumped hearing knocking on the door.

"Malia! Open up!"

Taylor called with eagerness causing me to look up at Nathan who looked just as worried as I did.

Following him out I stayed by the couch while he unlocked and opened the door letting Taylor in who was roughly my height with fair skin and black shoulder length hair.

"What are you wearing?"

She asked curiously looking at me with confusion filling her dark brown eyes however before I could say anything she let out a violent sneeze making me jump slightly.

"Oh..sorry, do you have a dog?"

She said apologetically and curiously causing both Nathan and I to look at each other for a moment before I said:

"Yeah! Yeah we do, she sheds a lot."

In an intrigued tone causing her to nod as she sneezed again.

"Yeah..I can tell, I'm sorry I gotta go I'm really allergic to dogs."

She said in an apologetic tone causing me to shake my head with relief.

"No, don't worry about it it's completely ok."

I said reassuringly gaining a nod from her as she covered her face and quickly left saying goodbye before Nathan closed and locked the door as I let out a breath of relief pulling off the beret.

Standing there with a relieved smile my tail swished out from the hoodie as he walked over.

"Thank god!"

I said with relief and joy gaining a breath of relief and nod from him as he reached me.

After that I tossed the beret back in my room joining him on the couch sitting to his right.

"So, you gonna give my hoodie back?"

He asked with amusement causing me to smile and shake my head plopping against him.


I said in a happy tone gaining an amused laugh from him as he started petting my head with his right hand.

"So why the sudden interest in my hoodie? You've never stolen them before."

He asked curiously with amusement causing me to softly blush letting out an embarrassed whimper fidgeting with the sleeves looking down at them.


I shyly said slumping down as my tail softly wagged between me and the back of the couch as he continued to softly pet me giving a curious and reassuring hum as he looked down at me.

"B-Because...y-your scent is soothing to me.."

I shyly said full of embarrassment feeling myself blush more hiding my face in my sleeve covered hands which were engulfed in his scent.

Hearing this he let out a soft coo of adoration and joy softly wrapping his arms around me over my belly as the back of my head rested on his chest.

"That's why you asked if you could sleep with me that night isn't it? I'm not gonna lie that's adorable."

He cooed with adoration and happiness gaining an embarrassed and shy whine from me.

"If it really helps that much, then you can go ahead and wear my hoodies and shirts as much as you like."

He continued in the same cooing gaining an embarrassed but happy whimper from me as my tail wagged slightly faster.

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