Chapter 14: Playing

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As I sat there in front of Emma looking up to my right at Nathan I stared at the ball curiously still softly blushing across my cheeks as the tail wagged.

Sitting there he squeezed the ball making it squeak again causing the ears to perk up as the tail excitedly wagged behind me.

Am I really getting excited over a ball?

I thought to myself dumbfounded before being snapped from my thoughts when Nathan said:

"You want the ball?"

In a curious and happy tone waving the ball side to side causing me to involuntarily nod excitedly as the tail began wagging faster.

"Go get it!"

He called excitedly smiling like an idiot as he threw it out the door.

As if on instinct my body moved on it's own running on all fours after the ball out into the living area behind the couch.

While still embarrassed by it I was actually enjoying it as I laid on the floor with my legs curled up under me and my hands either side of the ball as I chewed it making it squeak as my tail happily wagged behind me

After a few moments I heard Nathan call:

"Bring it back Malia!"

In a happy tone clearly finding it all adorable as he and Emma softly laughed.

Hearing this I grabbed the ball with my teeth happily running back on all fours quickly dropping to sit in front of him with my feet either side of me and my hands curled between my knees.

Sitting there blushing bright across my cheeks the tail wagged furiously behind me as I looked up at him still holding the ball in my teeth.

Seeing this he smiled like an idiot as he softly pet my head with his right hand while having his left in front of me palm up.

"Good girl, drop it."

He said with happiness and adoration gaining an embarrassed but happy whine from me as the tail wagged even faster.


Emma said in a soft and happy tone handing him something causing me to watch their hands before smelling chocolate prompting me to focus on his hand.

"If you give me the ball you can have a treat for being good."

He said with a happy laugh lowering both hands in front of me, the left with the treat in his palm while the right was empty.

Looking at the treat I looked at his empty hand dropping the ball in it before happily getting the treat from the other.

Looking up at him as I happily ate my treat the tail continued to furiously wag behind me as I watched him lift the ball.

"I see you slobber just like a real puppy!"

Emma cooed with a happy and amused giggle softly patting my head with her right hand causing me to look back at her briefly before turning back to Nathan seeing him smiling down at me.

After continuing to play with the ball a few more times being given a treat every time I brought the ball back I watched Nathan set the ball down on the bed beside him as I ate my treat.

Watching him curiously as the tail continued to furiously wag behind me I seen him wipe his hands on his joggers before hearing Emma happily giggle with adoration behind me causing me to look back over my left shoulder at her.

"See? It's more fun to accept the new you hun."

She said in a happy coo giggling watching me happily nod as I panted from running around.

"Here how about a new toy?"

She said with the same happy coo as she pulled a thick white rope from her purse that had a large knot at either end tossing it over me to Nathan.

With that I watched as he smiled happily full of adoration down at me as he held one end in his right hand dangling the other in front of me.

As I bit at the rope he pulled it away at the last second causing both him and Emma to happily laugh before I managed to finally bite it moving backwards on all fours.

Catching him off guard he fell forward slightly before catching himself pulling back on the rope.

Seeing this Emma let out an amazed and happy laugh when I nearly pulled him off the bed.

As we played tug of war the tail continued to furiously wag behind me as I pulled on the rope before letting out a happy but wanting growl that sounded identical to a real dog causing him to stare wide eyed at me losing grip of the rope.

Laying on the floor with my legs curled up under me I used my arms to pin the rope to the floor as I gnawed on it furiously and proudly wagging my tail as I did so.

"I-she just growled!"

He said dumbfounded looking down at me before hearing Emma kneel down to my left causing me to watch her as I continued gnawing on the rope.

"I'm gonna get it! I'm gonna get that rope!"

She said in a playful coo quickly reaching her left hand out at me causing me to growl again as my ears angled back while my tail continued to furiously wag.


I said playfully still gnawing on the rope gaining happy laughs from them both.

After a few minutes of them watching me gnaw on the rope I watched Nathan kneel down in front of me.

"Come here Malia."

He said in a soft and happy tone causing me to look at him for a minute before standing on my hands and toes walking over still wagging my tail.

Sitting in front of him with my feet either side of me and my curled hands between my knees with the rope dangling from my mouth I watched him raise his right hand up to my head.

As he did so he started scratching behind my left ear cause me to tilt my head into his hand.

Continuing to scratch behind my ear he then moved his hand under my chin scratching there causing me to tilt my head up while my tail happily wagged across the floor as the rope fell from my mouth.

As he did this he caused me to role over onto my back with my legs curled up and hands curled up to my collarbone still wagging my tail looking up at him.

Seeing this both he and Emma cooed with adoration and joy before watching as he lowered his left hand to my belly starting to scratch it.

As he continued to do so he made my right leg begin to twitch and kick.

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