Chapter 13: Acceptance

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The next morning I woke laying on top of Nathan with my fingers curled under my palms resting on his chest either side of my head while my legs were curled up on either side of him.

As I laid there I listened to his soft relaxed breathing and heartbeat feeling the tail laying across his left thigh.

Laying there I realized I felt his right hand softly and slowly petting me while his left was wrapped over my lower back.

Even in his sleep he still pets me..

I thought to myself with embarrassment and amusement as I continued to lay there being surrounded by his scent.

Taking a deep relaxed breath I laid my head back down on his chest closing my eyes and quickly falling back asleep.

As I slowly woke up I was laying on my left side curled up with the tail over my legs immediately noticing Nathan wasn't here.

Laying there I let out a soft sleepy whimper before realizing I was cuddled into his pillow and dark blue blanket laying on top of it being enveloped by his scent.

"She looks so precious all curled up like that."

I heard Emma coo in a happy tone filled with adoration causing me to snap my eyes open staring wide eyed at both her and Nathan standing in the doorway.

He was still wearing his joggers along with a dark blue t-shirt while she was wearing a knee length white dress with yellow flowers on it.

Staring at them I felt my face immediately go beet red as I involuntarily let out an embarrassed whimper.

"Oop, looks like she's awake. Good morning hun."

Emma said in the same happy coo clearly thinking I was adorable as she smiled at me along with Nathan.

Full of embarrassment I quickly sat up with my feet either side of me and my hands against the bed between my knees feeling the tail curl around my right side.


I stuttered out unsure of what to say gaining a soft giggle from Emma.

"Don't worry, Nate already told me why you slept with him last night. I just wanted to see the adorable puppy sleeping for myself."

She said in the same cooing as before heading to my room gaining an embarrassed and shy whimper from me.

After that I shyly stood up from Nathan's bed and walked over to him following him out to the kitchen where I seen that Emma bought us breakfast.

Grabbing mine from Nathan I then followed him to my room where I found Emma altering my clothes.

"I hope you like your breakfast you two."

She said in a happy tone briefly looking up at us with a smile before back down at what she was doing.

As we ate Nathan and I sat on my bed across from Emma as she continued.

After eating I went to the bathroom and coming back both Nathan and Emma were looking at me causing me to freeze and look between them.


I asked with hesitance gaining a curious and happy smile from Emma as she said:

"Come here Malia."

In a soft and cooing tone softly patting her lap gaining a curious and slightly concerned whimper from me before doing as she asked and stopping beside her.

"Now before I do this, I want to make sure it's ok with you."

She said in a happy but sincere tone gaining a concerned look from me before hesitantly turning my gaze to Nathan to my right who gave a reassuring and curious smile.

"What are you gonna do?"

I asked with hesitance gaining a reassuring smile from her.

"Well, nothing weird. If it was ok with you I just wanted to see how your new puppy side would react to a few things."

She said in a happy and honest tone causing me to let out an embarrassed whine at the idea feeling my cheeks warm up a little.

After a moment I hesitantly nodded as I curled my toes into the carpet.


I hesitantly said full of embarrassment and shyness gaining a happy and excited squeal from her smiling like a giddy child.

"Ok. Then first, can you sit for me?"

She said enthusiastically cooing at me gaining a soft embarrassed whimper from me before doing as she asked and sitting with my feet either side of me and hands between my knees with my fingers curled under my palms feeling the tail curl around my right side.

As I did this and looked up at her she smiled with adoration at me before softly putting her right hand on my head starting to pet me as she said:

"Good girl!"

In a happy coo gaining an embarrassed but happy whimper from me as the tail began wagging happily behind me.

"Here, a treat for being such a good girl!"

She said in the same enthusiastic and joy filled cooing continuing to pet me as she used her left hand to hold out a small bite sized cookie in front of me causing me to blush slightly brighter from embarrassment as I stared at it being able to smell the chocolate.

With an embarrassed whimper I hesitantly leaned forward curling my toes as I opened my mouth before carefully biting it and gently pulling it from her fingers.

As I chewed it I sat straight still being softly pet by her seeing both hers and Nathan's adoration filled expressions watching me.

While I was extremely embarrassed by it all Emma was right as now that I'm starting to give in to my new body I was starting to enjoy it.

"Wanna try something else?"

She asked in a soft coo gaining a hesitant nod from me as the tail continued to wag.

With a happy and curious hum she looked through her purse for something before looking back down at me with a curious and happy smile.

"Can you close your eyes for me?"

She softly asked in the same cooing prompting me to close them feeling I was still blushing across my cheeks as the tail wagged happily behind me.

As I sat there I could hear both her and Nathan moving hearing a loud squeak to my right making the ears perk and turn before opening my eyes and looking to my right seeing Nathan was holding a dark blue ball.

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