Chapter 5: Embrace

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As tears began filling my eyes I watched as Nathan softly wrapped his arms around me gently pulling me into a hug.

"You're not a glorified pet Malia, I'm so sorry about all of this."

He said in a soft and comforting tone with regret and sympathy in his voice as he softly rubbed my upper back with his left hand.

Sitting there I couldn't help but start crying into his chest clutching his shirt in my hands either side of my head feeling his chin partially touching the ears.

"I promise I'm here and I'll do everything I can to help you through this."

He softly said in a comforting and caring tone as I felt his right hand softly shift up my back before gently resting on the back of my head.

"I...I don't know what to do.."

I muttered in a shakey voice slightly tightening my grip on his shirt gaining a soft hush from him as he started softly rubbing the back of my head while continuing to rub my back.

"I wish I knew what to do or how to help but I promise we'll figure this out."

He softly whispered with comfort and reassurance in his voice as he hugged me slightly tighter gaining a shakey and hesitant nod from me as I continued to cry into his chest.

"Is there anything I can do to try and help?"

He asked in the same soft and comforting tone gaining a small shrug from me as I continued to cry into his chest gaining a soft and thoughtful hum from him as he continued softly rubbing my back and head.

As we sat there I started to slowly calm down as the relaxed and happy feeling took over from him rubbing my back and head causing me to let out a quiet embarrassed whine being muffled by his chest gaining a curious hum from him.

"What's up Malia?"

He asked in a soft and curious tone clearly smiling about something before I shyly looked up at him feeling my cheeks get warm.

"Y-You helped.."

I softly said in an embarrassed and quiet tone gaining a soft chuckle from him as he nodded and said:

"I can see that, I'm guessing you haven't registered what's happening yet have you?"

In a soft and amused tone looking behind me causing me to stare at him curiously for a moment before feeling the tail softly wagging behind me making me let out an involuntary embarrassed whimper feeling myself blush more.

Seeing this he smiled with adoration at me as he moved his right hand up between the ears and started petting me making the relaxed and happy feeling get stronger as well as cause the tail to wag faster which only made me more embarrassed.

"Can I ask you something?"

He asked in a soft and curious tone still smiling with adoration down at me gaining a small shy and hesitant nod from me as I looked up at him from under his hand as he continued to pet me.

"I wanna make it clear before I say this, I'm not calling you a pet. But I it really that bad? Free food and a warm bed."

He said in a soft and curious tone as he looked down at me with adoration and joy causing me to let out a quiet whimper as I sat there unsure of what to say blushing bright from how relaxed and happy I felt as the tail wagged.

"And all the pats you could ever want."

He continued in the same soft tone only filled with joy and adoration as he watched the tail wag faster from what he'd said making me let out an embarrassed and shy whine as my face went bright red hating the fact the thought of it made me so happy.

"I..I'm not a pet!"

I blurted out full of embarrassment though still extremely happy and relaxed as the tail continued to wag furiously behind me pushing myself back away from his chest as I stared up at him.

Hearing this he let out a soft chuckle briefly stopping his hand between the ears smiling like an idiot at me.

"I didn't say you were, all I said is being able to live like one isn't necessarily a bad thing."

He said in a soft and happy tone keeping his hand still on my head as the tail continued to wag causing me to furrow my brow taking a deep embarrassed breath.

"A-And what about my clothes?! I-I haven't changed since yesterday because of this stupid tail!"

I said full of embarrassment and annoyance as I involuntarily started to pout cursing the tail in my mind as it continued to wag.

Hearing this and seeing my expression I knew he thought I was cute which only made me more embarrassed before he softly lowered his hand from my head to his lap giving the same happy smile full of adoration.

"Well, maybe we can alter your clothes a bit so that you can wear them with your tail."

He said in a soft and curious tone gaining an embarrassed and annoyed whine from me.

"Stop saying it's my tail! Humans don't have tails o-or these stupid ears!"

I said full of embarrassment and frustration putting my hands over the ears grabbing at them wishing that it would all just go away.

"I know you don't want this, but this is your body now. They are your ears and your tail."

He said in a soft and comforting tone as he softly grabbed my hands moving them from the ears down in between us as the tail still softly wagged behind me.

I won't call them mine...

I thought to myself with annoyance and embarrassment just wanting all of this to be a dream.

"How about we do something to cheer you up ya?"

He asked in a soft and comforting tone gaining a small nod from me as he let go of my hands giving a small reassuring smile as he let out a thoughtful hum.

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