Chapter 15: New Normal

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As Nathan scratched my belly making my right leg kick Emma walked around me sitting to my left where she suddenly grabbed my tail and said:

"I got your tail! It's my tail now!"

In a happy coo giggling as she did so before I rolled to my right facing her and Nathan as I sat with my feet either side of me and my curled hands between my knees as my tail continued to furiously wag behind me.

"My tail!"

I happily called smiling as I watched their faces seeing the adoration and joy.

"That's right Malia, that's your tail."

He said in a warm and happy tone filled with adoration as he softly pet my head with his right hand causing me to let out a happy and content hum.

As he did so Emma watched me with the same expression and said:

"I'm glad you can finally call it yours hun."

In the same tone Nathan had before standing up reaching into her purse and kneeling to my right.

"Here you go hun."

She said in the same warm and happy tone filled with happiness as she held out her right hand showing me two treats in her palm prompting me to happily eat them as Nathan continued to pet me.

As I ate my treats Nathan stopped petting me gently holding my left ear.

"And what are these?"

He asked in a warm and hopeful tone causing me to smile happily up to my left at him and say:

"My ears!"

In a happy and enthusiastic tone causing him to smile with pride and joy down at me.

"That's right! Good girl!"

Emma said enthusiastically with joy and warmth using her left hand to pet my head while holding out two more treats in her right palm in front of me.

Hearing this I let out an enthusiastic and joyful hum as I happily ate the treats while my tail continued to wag furiously behind me.

As I ate the treats they both continued to pet me for a while.

After a while Nathan went to make lunch for us while I laid on the kitchen floor on my back in the sun from the kitchen window with my legs curled up and hands up at my collarbone.

"So, have fun?"

Nathan asked in a warm and happy tone gaining a happy nod from me as I looked up at him as he prepared lunch.

"Very much!"

I enthusiastically said wagging my tail across the floor gaining a happy smile and laugh from him.

"I'm glad, it's nice seeing you embrace the new you."

He said in a warm happy tone looking down at me with a smile.

As I laid there I closed my eyes letting out a content breath feeling extremely happy now that I'd finally accepted who I now am.

Laying there in the sun I thought about how much I enjoyed playing and being pet realizing that I loved the praise and treats.

When lunch was done Nathan set our plates on the coffee table however while he and Emma sat on the couch I decided to simply sit on the floor at the end of the coffee table beside Nathan on his left facing them both.

With my feet either side of me and left hand curled between my knees as my tail softly wagged across the floor behind me I grabbed my fork in my right hand.

"Malia, think fast!"

Emma called as she tossed a small bit of her food toward me prompting me to lunge up catching it in my mouth before sitting back down smiling to myself.

"Good job Malia."

Nathan said in an impressed and happy tone making my tail wag slightly faster as he gave me a few pats on the head.

After lunch we all sat on the couch watching a movie together before playing more.

Over the next few days we continued like this and when Nathan had to work he'd make me meals so that I had food while he was gone.

On occasion Emma would come over and spend time with me while he was at work and either play with me or just simply relax and talk while she pet me.

One day while home alone wearing a pair of tan mid thigh shorts and a light blue tank top I was sitting on the kitchen counter looking out the window with my hands flat against it as I was too short to see out the window standing on the floor.

While looking out the window I watched as people walked by or ran around playing causing me to let out a sigh missing being outside before hearing the familiar sound of Nathan's footsteps in the hall.

Hearing this my ears perked up toward the door before hopping off and running over standing in front of the door as he opened it.

As he entered he dawned a happy smile seeing me happily waiting for him wagging my tail.

"Hey malia, how was your day?"

He asked with joy as he closed the door taking off his shoes softly petting my head with his right hand as he did so.

"It was ok, how was yours?"

I said in a happy and curious tone gaining a happy smile from him as he walked toward the kitchen with me in tow.

"It was alright, were you good while I was gone?"

He said in a warm and curious tone causing me to stare up at him curiously letting out a curious and confused whimper as he'd never asked that before.

"What do you mean?"

I asked curiously as I tilted my head gaining a small smile from him as he turned to face me.

"Emma suggested it, stuff like not getting into anything or touching anything that shows up unexplained. You know, just being good in general while I was gone."

He said in a thoughtful and happy tone causing me to look at him curiously for a moment as my tail continued to wag.

"I think so."

I said unsure gaining a soft chuckle from him as he smiled petting me with his left hand as he held up a giant cookie.


He asked with a happy tone smiling like an idiot causing me to stare at the cookie nodding eagerly as my tail began wagging faster.

"Good girl."

He said with a happy laugh holding it out to me gaining a happy hum from me as I took it in both hands immediately taking a bite out of it.

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