Chapter 10: Interrogation

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As I stood there blushing bright from embarrassment of the fact I acted like a dog when it hears treats I watched Nathan gesture with his right hand to come over to him holding the bag in his left.

"Come here Malia."

He said in a soft and happy tone filled with adoration gaining an embarrassed and flustered whine from me as I walked over stopping in front of him looking down at the floor between us.


He softly said in a happy tone clearly smiling to himself gaining an embarrassed and shy whimper from me as I slowly looked up at him.

"It's ok, I promise."

He softly said in a happy and reassuring tone gaining an embarrassed and shy whine from me followed by him gently placing his right hand on my head.

After that we sat on the couch sharing the bag of chips while he pet me making me more embarrassed.

The next day I woke up to find he was already at work again so I headed to the kitchen to find two more plates for me which gave me a happy feeling making the tail wag as I grabbed the first one.

Later that day after lunch I started to feel sleepy so I laid on the couch with my head by the arm closest to the door curled up on my left side with the tail curled over my shins.

I was startled awake by a high pitched happy and amazed squeal causing me to quickly sit up from being curled up on my belly.

With my feet underneath me and hands on the couch in front of my knees I stared wide eyed and horrified seeing Nathan and his sister who was standing closest to me with adoration and excitement filling her very being.

Nathan was wearing blue jeans and his work shirt while Emma was wearing a pair of black leggings with a white blouse.

"Look at you!!"

Emma excitedly screeched causing me to shrink back slightly as the tail curled around me and ears flattened to my head staring at her horrified and unsure of what to do.

Before Nathan could say anything Emma continued:

"You're so adorable!! I have no idea how this works but look at you!"

With excitement and wonder filled with adoration causing me to anxiously snap my gaze to Nathan who had an apologetic and worried expression as he walked over standing beside Emma.

He stood in front of the arm of the couch while Emma stood to his left being partially in front of the couch.

"Wait! So then she's the dog?! Oh my god!"

Emma enthusiastically said full of joy as she knelt down beside the couch to my right looking at the ears and tail.

"So are you actually his pet?"

She asked in a curious and almost jealous tone causing me to involuntarily let out an embarrassed whimper blushing bright while Nathan let out an embarrassed and surprised grunt as I stuttered out:

"W-What do you mean?!"

Full of flustered embarrassment being met by her smiling with adoration and curiosity raising her left hand up hooking her index and middle fingers in the ring of the collar softly shaking it making the tag softly jingle.

"You're wearing a collar honey, with a tag that's got your name on it."

She said in a curious and amused tone with a matching expression before lowering her hand gaining an involuntary flustered and embarrassed whimper from me blushing even brighter.

"T-That's not it!"

Nathan said with embarrassment gaining a curious and suspicious hum from her as she stood up putting her right hand on her hip.

"Oh really? Then do tell why you've got a collar on the adorable puppy."

She said in an amused and cheeky tone hooking her left index and middle fingers in the ring without looking at me pulling me forward slightly.

As she did this I let out an embarrassed and startled yelp putting my hands on the arm of the couch to catch myself having to tilt my head up slightly due to her still holding the ring of the collar.

"I-It's cursed."

Nathan said with embarrassment and honesty causing Emma to let out a surprised grunt going wide eyed as she looked down at me still holding the ring.

"I don't know how, but it wanted to be found. Somehow it ended up in my coat pocket then after I stuck in a box in my closet it somehow moved to the coffee table where she found it."

Nathan continued in an honest and thoughtful tone causing Emma to briefly look at him before quickly looking back at me still holding the ring making me hunch forward.

"It's become permanently attached, it can't be broken and the buckle can't be undone."

He continued in the same tone with regret in his voice gaining a shocked and curious hum from Emma as she looked down at me curiously letting out a thoughtful hum.

Still holding the ring of the collar she turned to face me with a curious look on her face.

"So if my brother here didn't collar you himself. Why'd you put it on?"

She asked in a curious and suspicious tone still holding the ring gaining an embarrassed and flustered whimper from me blushing brightly.

"I-I don't know! I-If I'd known it was cursed I-I wouldn't have put it on!"

I frantically said with honesty and embarrassment gaining a thoughtful hum from her looking down at me.

"Ok. But why did you put it on?"

She asked in a curious and suspicious tone gaining a small whimper from me

"I-I don't know! I-I was just curious cause one minute it wasn't there and the next it was! A-And so I was just curious about what it was!"

I frantically said with a panic not knowing myself why I put it on however before another word could be said Nathan grabbed Emma's wrist with a stern and serious expression.

"Enough with the interrogation. Let go of her."

He said in a serious and stern tone causing her to stare at him wide eyed for a moment before feeling her grip loosen as her fingers began sliding from the ring.

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