Chapter 27

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Lindsey's pov

Aqua swam off, I didn't know what to do. Henry was sitting beside his father and she was gone. The queen swam after her. I got some things for the King and then Aqua and the Queen came back. She swam past me like I was invisible or something I was amazed I thought that maybe her mother would talk some sense into her. But I could tell she was only interested in her family right now.

   Aqua pulled me aside "maybe you should go" she said harshly. I was confused "excuse me" "you need to go" she said meanly and she pushed me. "Are you feeling okay" I asked "why wouldn't I be" she said swimming back to her family.

   I swam away furiously "what was the matter with her" I thought. I went home and started to do my homework. I had to have a conference with the bank later today to talk about money. I seriously needed to clean the house. I started to do the dishes. After I finished I did laundry, after I started to open some of the letters and boxes that were sent to me. There were many bouquets of flowers so I put them in one big vase. Most of the letters were sorry notes. But there was one letter that was addressed to my father, I was confused, maybe they didn't get the message that he died. I opened it, it said "dear John (dads name),

I am so sorry about your wife it must've been so hard. Do you still have it hidden? Bring it to cave rock at 12:00, we have to discuss some things. -T.

   I was so confused, then I heard the door open, I quickly shoved the letter back in the envelope and slid it under the placemat on the table. It was Aqua "hey" I said she rolled her eyes. I have no idea what is wrong with her. She walked back to her room, I got the letter out under from the placemat. I walked outside onto the deck and onto the warm sand leading to the ocean. I stared onto the water and held the letter. I started to cry, I missed my mom so much.

I walked into the backyard down to the pool and pressed the button, the wall opened. I went down to the second tunnel. I sat down on the couch. "What could T be talking about......" I walked around the room trying to figure out what thing he wanted. Then I figured it out, the Trident. That's why it's in the safe. I went to the safe to open it. Then I also realized what the numbers meant. 5-7-2 my birthday. "Was all of this for me?" then I looked at the clock I had like ten minutes before I had to meet T. I grabbed my computer that I left on the couch, I goggled cave rock. It was close by. I grabbed the trident and went down to the first tunnel and dove into the pool with it in my hand.

   I swam to cave rock, I looked around trying to find T. I finally found a man facing the other way, it looked like he was waiting for someone. Then I recognized who it was "king Titan!?" He quickly turned around "Lindsey what are you doing here" he asked then his eyes directed to the trident. "Please put it down" "not until you give me some answers". "Where is your father" he asked "he's....dead" his anger faded into a frown. "How, when?" "A couple months ago he died from cancer".

    He was silent for a while, "I thought you knew that". He shook his head, 'I frowned, "How did you know him" I asked in a quivering voice. "We grew up together, we were like brothers" he said. He looked really pale, mostly because he was sick. His body stiffened when he saw the trident in my hand. "You have to put that down you don't know what it could do!" "why?". "mermaids aren't supposed to use it!", "is this my dads." He sighed "yes" "but why would he have this". "That is information I can't tell you" He said reaching to grab the trident but I pulled away "spill" I commanded him. "Your dad is" my eyes widened I dropped the trident and cupped my mouth to keep me from screaming.

    I was finally calmed down, I was sitting on a rock. " your dad left right when he was supposed to be crowned king, but he was in love with your mother, a land girl. He ran away and he never came back. I had no idea he had a child and no idea he was....dead" He said "what about the trident?" "the trident is your dads it can only be powered by family." "why can't I touch it" "because you don't know how to use it and anything could happen to you if you don't know how use it properly." " So you are my uncle, Aquas my cousin, and I am dating my other cousin." He nodded his head. " Why didn't you tell me?" "I wasn't sure at the time but when you showed up here I knew." " I need to get some rest" he said swimming away.

    I swam house deciding if I should tell Aqua and Henry, I never got to ask if they knew. I decided I wouldn't because Aqua is in such a bit**y mood. I got back to the chamber and walked back up to the house. I went to my bedroom and laid down. I totally forgot that I had to go to a meeting. I quickly changed and left the house.

    After the meeting I fell asleep on my bed. I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. I sat up quickly, I looked at my alarm clock "crap" It was 8:43. I ran to the bathroom, changed,and put some makeup on. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed my bag and a fiber one bar. I saw Aqua heading to her car. I ran outside "why didn't you wake me" I asked her "aww I didn't wake up Lindsey, Im so sorry" she said in an annoying baby voice. She smirked and pulled out of the driveway, I scowled at her. I had no idea why she was being like that. But I snapped out of it and got into my car and drove to school.

    I was walking to my locker when I saw Henry walking with Serena,I really didn't want to talk to him. I guess we had the same feeling because he walked right past me not making eye contact. I turned  around confused, Serens turned around and gave me a smirk. My body stiffened"what was she up to, trying to turn my friends against me?


Sorry I haven't written in forever I will maybe update this week but probably not next week because I am going to Texas. So I am starting a new book, its called My Love Story so yeah I haven't published it yet because I am still working on it so look for that this week!!;)Comment!!!!!

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