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We're up by two goals and the adrenaline in the arena right now is insane. The crowd is going wild and it only motivates me to want to win even more. SDSU is one of our biggest rivals and last year we barely beat them to get into the championship, this year won't be that close. Their best player is Oliver Hunt and I've already got my eyes on him. He has the puck and takes it down the ice but I cut through and thrash him into the side. He loses control and Abel sweeps in, stealing the puck and skating down where he makes another goal.

Oliver glares at me and says some bullshit comment about my sister. I ignore it, because that comes with the territory. The shit talking about moms, sisters, girlfriends, exes and everything in between. However they can distract you or get under your skin, your opponent will do whatever it takes. Luckily for me there isn't anything he or his teammates could say that would warrant the reaction that they want. I've been playing too long to let that shit get to me. 

Even after Mason and my ex, I still played my best and we won the championship that year with my winning goal. I hated Mason especially then and it was hard to work with him as a team, but I set it aside for the greater good and I have been ever since. He's not the kind of guy to apologize and I'm not the type to expect it. The other team gets a goal which only puts us up by two now, Conrad hits it over to me and I take my time crosses the ice.

I look around to make note of whose open before I make my move. I end up psyching my defender our and cutting all the way through the center, then hit the puck right into he net. The crowd goes wild as the guys gather around and pat my back. Coach pulls me out for a breather and fucking Conrad gets us another goal. We end up winning by five and it's the most we've ever beaten any team, let alone them.

We celebrate in the locker room afterwards because if that's any feel of what the seasons going to be like, then we're in for one hell of a ride. Coach talks to us for a little, and then we all shower and get ready. Most of the team hurries out to get the house ready for our celebration party. I take my time, enjoying the peace and quiet as the room empties. It's just me and the guys "What are you going to do when you see that girl tonight with Mason?" Con asks.

"I don't know, probably nothing. If she's into a guy like him then that says a lot" I add.

Abel cuts in "She barely knows him man, he's probably been nothing but his bullshit charming self that they all fall for. You have to show her the real him" 

I look at him and then Conrad "I'm not getting involved with them.. she can figure it out on her own. I'm just tutoring the girl" 

"She wants to see you tonight, you even said so" Abel says with a look.

"Because she doesn't think I know how to have fun, that's all" they both laugh.

"You are awfully uptight these days... you need to get laid" Abel says and pats my arm.

I flip him off "Fuck you and I'm not uptight, I just have shit going on"

"Like what? School, hockey, and worry about Sadie whose doing fine. Relax Ace and lighten up, I know that Mandy fucked you up, but not all girls are like her" 

"Don't talk about her if you expect me to be in a good mood" I say seriously.

They both nod in understanding, I grab my bag and then we head out of the locker room. When we get into the lobby I see Mason talking with Aria and my heart races a little bit at the sight of her. Her hair is all wavy, she has makeup on that makes her ember eyes pop and lip gloss on her pink full lips. She has a cropped sweater on with jeans and a pair of old converse. 

There's something so casual and effortless about her. She doesn't try hard with her appearance or the way she acts, she's just herself take it or leave it. The three of us walk in their direction and she looks over at us, when she notices it's me her face lights up "You win a your first game and still look like someone kicked your puppy" she says and Mason isn't amused.

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