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It's the last game before fall break and play offs start and the Ace hits in the winning goal right as the buzzer goes off and myself, along with the rest of the arena jump to our feet. I clap and cheer, whistling as best as I can and feel a rush of warmth for how proud I am of him and the guys. They worked their asses off and played their hearts out every single game to deserve this undefeated season. I know they still have play offs to get through but I'm almost certain they will make their way to the championship and keep their title. 

Jay and I wait outside of the locker room in the hallway for them to come out. Of course the three of them are the last ones to emerge and when I spot Ace my heart flutters inside of my chest. He's talking with Abel and Conrad with a huge grin on his face that only grows when he looks over and sees me. I rush over to him and jump into his arms, he catches me easily. 

"Congrats on your undefeated season" I say and he squeezes me, then sets me down so I can congratulate the other two.

Jay joins us "Thank you, fuck it feels good" he says proudly.

"It should, you guys are insane" she adds and Conrad wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her in to kiss her cheek.

"The real question is what do we do to celebrate?" Abel asks.

We all agree on going out and end up at our usual spot O-Zone along with the rest of the team and what feels like half of the school. The whole bar is jam packed and there's a line of people outside waiting to come in, but their at maximum capacity right now. Since the boys are in the hockey team they let us right in, no problem. The guys grab us drink while Jay and I hold down a table with their other teammates. They come back with our drinks and a round of shots, we all take them back and my throat burns so I chase it with my vodka cranberry.

I talk with Jay and their teammate Will, and notice Ace's eyes are always on me. I like they he's a little over protective and jealous, because it shows that he cares. I smile at him and he winks at me, causing my stomach to flip into somersaults. There's something in the way he looks at me that makes me want to take a leap of faith with him. I want to be wit him and I know if I told that he would jump on it, but I'm terrified of what happens after he graduates.

I know that's a whole year away, but still it's going to come up fast. On top of that there's also the part about me sleeping with some random guy on Halloween. I'm single yes, but I know that it's going to upset him just like it would me if the tables were turned. Right now all I really want to do is kiss his stupidly handsome face and not worry about any of the other crap. Jay pulls me onto the dance floor where Abel and Conrad join us. The four of us dance like complete fools and it's so much fun. Ace is talking to some people but watches us with a smile on his face.

Abel takes my hand and twirls me around and then I dip him back, almost dropping him of course but he catches himself. I point at Ace and try to get him to come and join us, to my surprise he does. He chugs the remainder of his beer and then walks over and to me "Are you going to dance with us?" I ask excitedly.

He shakes his head "I came to do this" he grabs my face and kisses me. 

I'm nearly knocked off my feet and have my breath taken away by how heart stopping this kiss is. It's the kind of kiss people write stories about and only experience once in their life time. I kiss him back with just as much intensity as he drops his hands and holds onto my waist. His lips and tongue feel so...familiar and so does the way he holds onto me like he never wants to let go.

We slowly pull apart and I'm practically panting as we look into each other's eyes "I've been wanting to do that for a while now" he says and tucks my hair behind my ear.

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